With Holly and Kathleen finalizing the list of 447 Flash and Shockwave works held in the ELO Repository and Greg finishing up the copying of the 75 Voyager CD-ROMS that Bob Stein shared with us during his visit in March, the ELL Team is turning its attention to the completion of several other projects. They include:
- Photographing the packaging of all Voyager CD-ROMS
- Putting the final touches on the videos for the NEH grant
- Finishing our book about the 2018-19 Traversals, entitled Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 2, so that we make the August 15th deadline
- Getting the next two collections of the ELO Repository online––that is: The Stephanie Strickland and The Marjorie C Luesebrink Collections and updating the copy about the collections on the site
- Creating the Scalar book of the ELO 2019 exhibitions
- Organizing the 2019-20 Traversal schedule and getting the publicity out about it
- Finalizing any last bit of work for the Deena Larsen contract, which includes the Twitter bot and The Rose Project
These projects will keep us busy for the rest of the summer. Astrid Ensslin arrives on August 15 and school starts not long after that––so begins our fall endeavors.