Join us at session, #594 Making, Preserving, and Curating Born-Digital Literature, the ELO’s special session at MLA 2020. The program describes the session as:
This session features interactive demonstrations about the creation, preservation, and curation of digital literary works that take advantage of the specific affordances of digital environments; participants discuss tools and strategies for making digital literature and integrating it into the literature or language classroom.
Time: 3:30 PM–4:45 PM Jan 11, 2020
Place: WSCC – Chelan 2

- Dene Grigar, Professor and Director, Electronic Literature Lab; Board Member, Electronic Literature Organization: Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volumes 1-3
- Nicholas Schiller, Associate Director, Electronic Literature Lab; Coordinator, Electronic Literature Organization: Collecting and archiving electronic literature in the Electronic Literature Repository
- Holly Slocum, Project Manager, Electronic Literature Lab: Restoring Deena Larsen’s Kanjis & the TrAce Online Writing Centre
- Kathleen Zoller: Restoring The Progressive Dinner Party
- Mariah Gwin: Curating electronic literature exhibits
- Monica Roath: Recording flash works in the Afterflash project
- Andrew Nevue: Capturing mobile literary app experiences
- Leonardo Flores, Appalachian State U: President, Electronic Literature Organization
This demo showcases the Electronic Literature Collection (ELC) published by the ELO, the ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature, and the LitElat Anthology of Latin American Electronic Literature. As an editor of the ELC Vol. 3 (2016) and the Latin American Literature Network’s (litElat) Anthology (forthcoming), I will share details on the call and selection process, the editorial and archival principles developed by its editorial collectives, and some of the publication challenges that emerged in producing these collections.
Marjorie Luesebrink: Board Member, Electronic Literature Organization
Anastasia Salter, U of Central Florida: Board Member, Electronic Literature Organization

Richard Snyder, PhD Candidate, Washington State U, Pullman
Julian Ankney, Washington State U, Pullman
Nicholas Binford, Washington State U, Pullman
Nazua Idris, Washington State U, Pullman
Kathryn Manis, Washington State U, Pullman
Ricardo Ramirez, Washington State U, Pullman
Troy Rowden, Washington State U, Pullman
Rosamond Thalken, Washington State U, Pullman
Station 6: ELO: N. Katherine Hayles’ MLA Presentation on “Teaching Electronic Literature” [website by Ryan House, PhD Student, UWM]
Affectionately referred to as the “Dean of E-Lit,” N. Katherine Hayles has been teaching and theorizing about electronic literature for decades and provided its first academic home at the University of California Los Angeles. Unfortunately, her formal paper on the topic of “Teaching E-Lit” is scheduled at the exact same time as this ELO session. So, she has graciously allowed us to show the Power Point presentation and website of her event at the ELO station. Available also are free copies of her brochure on the topic, copies of Stephanie Strickland’s CD-ROM, Zone Zero, that contains her famous net art poems, “The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot” and “slipping glimpse,” the latter of which was produced with Flash and so will no longer be available on the web beginning 2020. We will also give away 10 copies of the folio and flash drive version of the ELC2, a rare and beautiful artifact of electronic literature.