Zachary Losness

Digital Artistry


I got my first camera in 2014, while stationed in the Middle East. The camera taught me how to embrace a life away from home and take a deeper look into elements of my surroundings.

Upon returning home to the Pacific Northwest, I continued my pursuit of photography and have dedicated countless miles on the road, and on foot to capture the scenes and aesthetics that so uniquely define this region of the world. My sense of adventure and appreciation for natural beauty has taken me to some of the most remote locations in Oregon and Washington and has compelled me to travel abroad and explore Southeast Asia.

In 2016, I enrolled at Washington State University-Vancouver to pursue a degree in Digital Technology and Culture. As a DTC Major, I have gained proficiency in the Adobe Creative Cloud, with a particular interest in Adobe Premiere and Adobe Illustrator. My experience in the program has helped me develop proficiency in the Adobe Creative Suite, with a special focus in graphic design and video production, and has helped me secure employment with the United States Forest Service as a public affairs representative.

I hope that the skills I've learned in this program will help me in securing a career in the design field, as I would like to represent clients and meet their graphical needs by creating logos, ads, other mixed media needs that they require.