Aaron Shannon

Fullstack Developer

About Me

I am a student of Washington State University in Vacouver. I specialize my studies to persue my goal of becoming a Full Stack Developer. Besides my studies, I work as a Geek Sqaud technician. It allows me real world experience when it comes to being able to accomplish tasks that require team coordination, using reason to solve unique problems, and time management. Prior to working for Best Buy, I was a Network Engineer for Hewlett Packard and a Quality Assurance Analyst. When the company down-sized, I took the opportunity to continue my education and do what I love, creating wonder.

The logo is a combo of an anvil, hammer, and the brackets that symbolize code. It represents the blend of old blacksmiths and new age artisans. Blacksmiths were the original Full Stack Developers of their time. They not only had to make sure their creations were funcitonal, but designed with aesthetics in mind. The brackets were placed vertical to symbolize the stack that code is built on. The top bracket also symbolizes a volcano, the symbol of Hephaestus. The Greek God of Balcksmiths.


Email: ayren.shannon@me.com