Aaron Shannon

Fullstack Developer

Software Development

World Bot is designed to play the game as if it were an actual player. It takes in the Wordle Game a random list of words, and proceeds to perform calculated guesses in order to beat the game. As of right now, the bot can always win in the amount of moves allowed, in under 600ms. This demonstrates my knowledge of algorithms and Array manipulation using the Java programming language.

Wordle Game is a recreation of the game with the same name. It uses Java to manipulate ArrayLists to retain and pass information about correctly guessed letters, incorretly guessed letters, and even letters that don't show in the secret word. It then relays the information to the player, in order to make another guess.

Python Art uses an extesion of Python to write the actions of a 'turtle' that draws a picture. Even though it sounds simple, the Haunter seen drawn is done using several 'for loops' and the understanding of functions. In the animation itself, it begins as a Ghastly and then turns into the Haunter.

Binary Search Tree , or BST, is a database that allows for searchig and sorting using a hierarchy steming from a root node. This codes can add leaf nodes, find nodes using a key value, the minimum value, maximum value, and choosing a successor if a nodes was to be removed.

Hash Tables take in data and sorts it across a set number of bukets, or identifiers. This is almost always seen when storing a password that is associated with a specific email. It uses ArrayLists that are stored in nodes, and shows understanding of data manipulation.

Connect 4 is something almost everyone is familiar with. Using Python, the game is created using embedded 'for loops', or a matrix, to store string representatives. It then iterates checking for certain criteria that determines a win or lose. In this code is also an AI class that will play against a player, or itself, until the game is decided.