Home Art Worlds Conventions Rubbish Theory Cultural Appropriation Hybridization Conclusion


Hybrids are formed when multiple cultures mingle with one another, influencing and changing existing conventions. Examples of hybridization can be seen in the various forms of fusion cooking, in language creoles, or in the borrowing and adapting of one art form to another. Music is one of the most common forms of hybridization. Modern video games are really a hybrid of other art forms in many ways.

Video games combine components of visual arts from painting to performance art to cinema. They also now usually include detailed musical scores and even footage filmed on Hollywood stages. Some games such as Dance Dance Revolution or Wii Fit involve actual physical involvement in order to play the game. Augmented reality games such as Pokemon Go blend the real world with video games by layering a video game on top of Google Maps using a cellphone camera. Virtual reality games aim to fully immerse the player in an alternate, digital version of the world not unlike an IMAX movie experience. Musical rhythm games such as Rock Band blend video games with music, allowing the player to simulate performing as a rock star. You can even pretend to be the renowned painter Bob Ross in several video games.