Brian Idle
Multimedia Consultant
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While attending classes for my BA degree, I was fortunate to meet a fellow student who connected with me. Here is an example of a collaborative work that he and I did, his name is Mark VanTassel, and he produced the digital animation and I produced the audio that went very well with his animation.
My Story
DTC 475 Digital Diversity has chosen My Story for presentations and new student orientation. I am the chosen subject presenting why I chose to attend Washington State University. I played percussion, narrated my dialog, and assisted in the filming concepts of this project.
Mac Woods Dune Rides
DTC 477 Advanced Multimedia Authoring allowed me to re-design a popular Michigan vacation getaway featuring Mac Woods Dune Rides.This site features a responsive web design and CSS3 along with a Google API map implicated.
Five Hot Fishing Holes
DTC 477 Advanced Multimedia Authoring allowed me to design a web app for a original concept broadcasting information over the Internet to bring avid fishermen to the Pacific Northwest who are looking for great places to fish.This design is made for Tablets and Smart Phones, not intended for PCs, and it features a responsive tablet web design.
Digital Animation
DTC 335 3D animation allowed me to animate a robot of my own design in the Maya Digital Animation software program. The animation shows my robot walking across the tundra during the season of winter. I also composed and co-produced the original music score behind the animation singing all the vocals.
Creative Media and Digital Culture
DTC 478 Digital Usability allowed me to develop an multimedia advertisement tool to promote the CMDC program at Washington State University in Vancouver. I gleaned a popular YouTube video, re-wrote the lyrics, sang all the parts, arranged for a guest vocalist who does a Ray Charles impression and incorporated it into the video. I also helped with the concepts in video editing and production.