Benjamin Woodruff

A passionate Web Designer skilled in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery (mostly for UI animations). Also able to customize WordPress sites, optimize for users and search engines (SEO), and upgrade product pages with metadata for more appealing search engine results.

Accessibility Website Development

A group collaboration project involving high quality digital work from a group of professionals with diverse skills ranging from Social Media Marketing to Video Production. Demonstrates Project Management and Web Development skills.

About the Project

My primary role was as Project Manager, in which I was responsible for researching, creating a schedule, making a plan, approving the work of my peers, and on the rare occasion, when necessary, helping to shore up any major insufficiencies in the project. To make use of my Web Development skills, I was responsible for incorporating Accessibility features like a hidden menu of buttons that allows the visitor to change the sizes of text and buttons on the page.

Our group's Web Designer used HTML5 and CSS3 to create a responsive website layout and framework in which we could build out our educational content. The goal was to research, communicate, and implement some accessible web design principles and best practices in order to help influence our fellow college students and professionals already working in our areas of expertise to better understand, appreciate, and apply these skills so that the web would become more accessible in the long run.

The hardest part of this project was to finalize our plan and then bring it all together in the end. At first, we were planning to build a website based on the broader topic of Digital Diversity, which is how people are able to achieve greater equality and prosperity through the responsible use of technology. Each of us would need to create some kind of multimedia content to help spread the message about the problem and the best solutions, depending on our various unique skills and abilities.

However, each of our sub-topics that we would base our content on for the website were unrelated and disjointed. After receiving feedback and losing a bit of valuable time, we decided to redefine our project with a more focused goal. Each member would still create various multimedia objects related to our various skills and strengths in the program, but we would work together on one single issue: Web Accessibility for people with Cognitive Disabilities.