Are we alone?
Are we alone?
Can anyone hear us?
We are so small
For this assignment I wanted to create an interactive story that puts the reader in the position of an other worldly researcher studying and trying to understand the intricacies of humanity.
I had a very different idea in the beginning, I wanted to create a "choose your own adventure" type story but as a writer I wanted to explore story-telling that conforms specifically to a website.
This, of course, could have been a video game but I do feel like given my skill level I fulfilled my goals even if only a little bit.
I wanted this story to be more philosophical in nature, using a story about an alien race trying to understand the motives and logic behind the things that humans find normal was the perfect way to do this in my opinion.
Using the mode of a scientific study by using stories I thought was the best way to shed the preconceived notions we have and force a reader to look at these concepts in a new light
For the creation I wanted to have an almost console in the sky, as if some scientist or researcher was reviewing the stories from a spaceship. For this I used javascript provided by chatgpt to generate stars for the background that would "twinkle"
For a more spacey feeling I also used chat gpt to generate script that would simulate a typing animation for the "logs" which would add an other-wordly or high-tech feeling to the stories presented
I found a gif of the earth spinning as well as videos of humans or animals doing things that I displayed on the different pages, changing the opactiy so that it was cohesive and looked as if it was supplementary footage for the information being gathered
I am a writer and I wanted to write the stories myself however I also used chatGPT to create the different stories about human impermanence. I completely understand the irony of this but I fully intend on returning to this project and inserting my own stories
This project, with the integration of chatgpt, helped me stretch my skills as well as learn new concepts and go beyond my personal comfort zone
Of course compared to the pros this is a very amateur webiste, but this is the most intricate and complex website I have ever created before and it was a joy to see how far I could stretch myself and I know, given more time, I could go further
Infinity is so terrifying
Our world is our everything
But it is nothing