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πŸŽ₯ Spooky Video Part 1

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⭐ I need to vent⭐

Posted by DarkestDreams93 on 10/14/2003 at 11:45 PM

THE FOLLOWING - Part 1: First Glimpse

Ok, so I know I usually post about normal stuff here, but something really weird has been happening to me lately and I NEED to write it down. Maybe someone out there has experienced something similar??? I'm literally shaking as I type this.

So last night I was studying for my Bio midterm (ugh, don't even get me started on how much that class sucks!). It was probably around midnight, and I kept getting this weird feeling, you know? Like when you think someone's watching you. At first I tried to ignore it because, hello, too much coffee and stress will do that to you, right? But then I started seeing these... movements? Like dark shapes just at the edge of my vision. Every time I'd turn to look, there'd be nothing there. I literally got up THREE times to check if my little brother was trying to mess with me (he wasn't - Mom said he was at a sleepover at Hayden's house).

Here's where it gets SUPER creepy. I kept hearing footsteps, and my cat kept freaking out. My mother was watching TV downstairs, but she never went upstairs in that time period? But in the video I provided, it can be heard footsteps coming up the stairs. My cat realllyyyyy did not like this at all. I was really creeped out, so I asked my mom if she heard anything. SHE SAID NO. She must need hearing aids becuase its really noticeable in the video. I even showed her the video, BUT EVEN THEN SHE DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING?! I have to be going crazy. I kept replaying the video. I can hear it, but why not another person?

I ended up sleeping with my lights on. Mom's gonna kill me when she sees the electric bill, but whatever. Better than... I don't even want to think about it. Will update if anything else happens. Please comment if you've seen anything like this!!!


Current Mood: questioning my sanity πŸ’ƒ
Current Song: Mr. Brightside - The Killers

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~*Katie*~ 2 hours ago
Maybe you need a mental diagnosis? Are you going through it?
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xXRazorsEdgeXx 5 hours ago
That is really creepy, but easily can be faked. Sorry need more evidence.
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.:SillyTrumpetGuy176:. 1 day ago
Wow, your mom and I are both on the same team. I dont hear any footsteps whatsoever.
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