Esmeralda's Capstone Project
Food Insecurity

Since the 1990s and possibly much before, food security has been a problem in the United States. Many people who are poor, in the low-income wealth class, or who have health problems that prevent them from working are affected by food insecurity. Families frequently encounter situations when they are unable to provide for their food needs. I'd like to look at food insecurity in the United States and the elements that contribute to it. Food insecurity can affect quite a number of people instantly, and there are other considerations that some of us might not be aware of.
The state of the economy is one of the main reasons that we see hunger taking place in our country, but another factor is climate change. Climate change not only affects our air and sustainability, but it also affects agriculture. With agriculture being affected, we fail to realize the source of our food. The U.S. population is growing substantially each year, and the sustainability of agriculture cannot keep up. With climate change taking effect, crops are becoming more difficult to sprout, making them more expensive, which ties in with the economy. Families that suffer from low income or having to live paycheck to paycheck are becoming heavily impacted.
Food insecurity has increased over the past few years and will only continue to increase as time goes on. In this project, I want to demonstrate the impact food insecurity has on our population, as well as explore the different ways we can combat this issue. We don’t know the effect of this issue until we are in the situation. No one wants to be in a situation where they must sacrifice food to live a sustainable life.
Find more information on:
Food Insecurity by The Numbers
What is Food Insecurity?
Food Insecurity in the U.S
Food Resources Near Me
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