
carl sagan with lander

This is my About Section for my project:

I decided to do my project on Carl Sagan because I have a mixed interest in philosophy, space, and humanitarian ideals. Carl Sagan champions all of these causes, and is also an eloquent educator. His famous monologue "The Pale Blue Dot" was a very striking speech and leaves one to wonder what kind of planet we could live on; I wonder how a world that champions science and humanities without influences of violence would operate. If we all had the same vision as Carl, maybe Earth would be a little more homelike.

This website project had a couple of challenges for me, such as trying to figure out how to create a fixed navigation bar. I initially had a vertical fixed list as my nav bar, but in mobile style it would cover my content. After failing to come up with a solution I opted for the standard top bar that does not hover on screen at all times. The user must scroll back to the top of the page to navigate the site. The mobile responsiveness also kicks in very fast because I was not happy with having to scroll horizontally to see the content. One of my vertical monitors is roughy 1200 pixels, so I've designed the website to display on sideways monitors more easily. There was no use of AI in the creation of this assignment file. Images are creative commons.