Maria Schaljo

Multimedia Design & Video Production


Rocket Patch Design
Adobe Illustrator

I won first place with this rocket patch design for a contest to create a rocket patch for the Clark College Aerospace Club where the club would participate in the 2018 ESRA IREC.


Currency Redesign
Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop

The purpose of this project was to completely redesign a currency of a country of your choosing. The country I chose to redesign the currency for was the Philippines.

Adobe InDesign

The purpose of this project was to design a newsletter with given text and pictures. It was up to each student of how they wanted to layout of the newsletter to look. Such as elements like typography, hierarchy, space, and color.

Calendar Project
Adobe InDesign

The purpose of this project was to create a Calendar for the month of October showing events for AIGA Portland. It was up to each student to create the elements for the Calendar page such as the typography, hierarchy, space, and color.

Hannya Mask
Adobe Photoshop

This piece is a digital painting done in Adobe Photoshop for a project based on characters and symbols in Asian folklore. This piece is inspired by a mask used in Noh theater, representing a jealous female demon. It possesses two sharp bull-like horns, metallic eyes, and a leering mouth. If the mask is painted red, it indicates that the woman has lost control of herself and has turned into a demon completely.