Co-Chairs: Dene Grigar (WSUV) & Ray Siemens (UVic)
Artistic Director – Caitlin Fisher (York U)
Sound– John Barber, Washington State University Vancouver
Pop-Up Gallery – Brenda Grell, Washington State University Vancouver
Readings and Performances – Jim Andrews, Independent Artist
Screenings – Jim Bizzocchi, Simon Fraser University; Producer, Justine Bizzocchi, Independent Artist
Festival Works
- Jim Andrews, Lead Juror, Independent Artist
- Brenda Grell, Washington State University Vancouver
- John Barber, Washington State University Vancouver
- Jim Bizzocchi, Simon Fraser University
- Erika Ortega, University of Kansas
- Alice Bell, Sheffield Hallam University
- Jody Zellen, Independent Artist
- Mia Zamora, Kean University
Featured Papers
- Sandy Baldwin, Lead Juror, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Helen Burgess, NC State University
- Chris Funkhouser, New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Maria Engberg, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Jeneen Nagi, National University of Ireland Maynooth
- Joe Tabbi, University of Illinois Chicago
- Davin Heckman, Winona State University
- Stuart Moulthrop, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
- Patsy Baudoin, Independent Scholar
Panels, Workshops, & Roundtables
- Rui Torres, Lead Juror, University Fernando Pessoa
- James Brown, Rutgers University Camden
- Joellen Rock, University of Minnesota Duluth
- Lisa Swanstrom, Florida Atlantic University
- Johanna Rodgers, City University of New York
- Alice Van Der Klei, Université du Québec à Montréal
- Kathi Inman Berens, Portland State University
- Steve Wingate, South Dakota State University
- Mark Marino, USC
- Maria Mencia, Kingston University
Jurors & Reviewers
- Alice Van Der Klei
- Anastasia Salter
- Chris Funkhouser
- Damon Baker
- Daniela Côrtes Maduro
- Davin Heckman
- Dene Grigar
- Elika Ortega
- Helen Burgess
- Jeneen Nagi
- Jim O’Laughlin
- Joellyn Rock
- Joe Tabbi
- Johanna Rodgers
- John Murray
- Kathi Inman Berens
- Lisa Swanstrom
- Maria Engberg
- Maria Mencia
- Marjorie Luesebrink
- Mark Marino
- Patsy Baudoin
- Rui Torres
- Sandy Baldwin
- Steve Wingate
- Stuart Moulthrop
Chair Coordinator
Alexandra Saum: UC Berkeley
Local Arrangements: Daniel Sondheim and Alyssa Arbuckle, ETCL, University of Victoria
Lead Technical Advisor: Greg Philbrook, CMDC Program, WSUV
Awards: Maria Mencia and Rob Wittig
Poster Sessions: Davin Heckman and James O’Sullivan
Catalog: Will Luers & the DPI Staff, CMDC Program, WSUV
Design Team: Dr. Dene Grigar, John Loveridge, Daniel Asbridge, Kathryn Christopher, Robin Conroy
Docents for Festival: CMDC students from Grigar’s spring curating course