Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

And the second V-FORMATION FLYER Award goes to…..

CASSI MARSHALL! Join us in honoring Cassi May 14th at the Annual Luncheon and Membership Meeting.

Cassi Marshall

Cassi Marshall epitomizes the saying, “If you want to get something done, ask a busy person.” As a full-time employee with the Washougal School District Cassi’s passion for Camas parks, trails and trees are evident in her volunteerism and the drive she brings to each need and group.

Serving on the Camas Parks and Recreation Commission since 2010 Cassie has participated in several ad-hoc committees, ranging from park naming to tree preservation. In 2017 she founded the Ivy League, a group of 40 to 50 volunteers who meet regularly to remove ivy from trees at Camas’ Fallen Leaf Lake Park. The Ivy League’s efforts will improve the health of, and possibly save, numerous trees at Fallen Leaf Lake Park. As a member of the Commission Cassi has been instrumental in collaborating on the Parks Comprehensive Plan, a guiding document for Camas park projects, including the recent planning for Crown Park.

Cassi also served as a member of the steering committee to develop the Urban Tree ordinance to ensure Camas’ tree canopy is maintained as the city and community continue to expand. She has been involved in the Sierra Club, Lacamas Little League Softball, Hellen Baller PTA and a host gardener for the Clark County Natural Beautiful Backyards Program.

Her volunteerism doesn’t stop there. Cassi has been instrumental in fundraising for the Partners with Camas Parks and Recreation group, which seeks to raise money for park projects, advocate for the Community Center, and the completion of several Community Center projects.

“Cassi’s continued dedication exemplifies her understanding of the value of the Camas Parks system, and its contribution to the quality of life in our community,” noted Shannon Turk, Mayor of Camas. “She is always willing to roll up her sleeves and do the hard work to improve the parks. Her enthusiasm and positive attitude make her someone that you want to work with. The fact that she can encourage so many people to give up several of their Saturdays to remove ivy from trees demonstrates her passion for our parks is an inspiration to others. If Cassie volunteers to do something, you can rest assured that it is in capable hands.”

Join us in celebrating all the Florence B. Wager Award recipients May 14th at the Annual Luncheon & Membership Meeting from 11:30 – 1:00 p.m. at the Hilton Vancouver Washington. Tickets and table sponsorships are still available.

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The V-FORMATION FLYER AWARD recognizes the spirited volunteer whose dedication goes above and beyond, unhesitatingly giving of their time and resources to organize, develop, and enhance the parks, trails, and recreational programs in our community.

Learn more about the Parks Foundation’s Florence B. Wager Awards and previous recipients click here.





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