Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Spin Max Tower Installed Thanks to 2019 Community Grant

There is growing research linking a child’s play and physical activity to the development of emotional and coping skills, among many other pluses.


Play and outdoor recreational opportunities also offer protective measures against childhood obesity. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that “play allows children to use their creativity while developing imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength.” Children learn essential social skills through play, helping them to work in groups, share, and resolve conflicts.

To improve safety and create the opportunity for play, Clark County was awarded a Community Grant at our 2019 Luncheon for Vancouver Lake Regional Park play area. “It is important to have varied and updated play equipment at our parks to provide children with ample opportunities to play and enjoy the outdoors,” stated Dellan Redjou, Executive Director of the Parks Foundation.

Located within the City of Vancouver’s incorporated urban service boundary, Vancouver Lake Regional Park is 190-acre stretching for 2.5 miles along the western shore of Vancouver Lake which includes a 5,900 square foot play equipment area. The park sees hundreds of organized events each year, such as regatta, weddings, children’s parties, and much more each year. In 2018 the parks experienced 21,122 vehicles paying to enter the park.

Over time several pieces of play equipment became broken, requiring removal. Roughly 1/3 of the play park has been unused and wasted due to removal of broken pieces. Since receiving the $4,901 Community Grant this spring, Clark County has purchased and installed a freestanding Spin Max Tower and fall protection wood chips. The result has been smiles and laughter across the park as children play, learned of each other, and increased their physical activity levels this summer.

Thank you to Paul Peloquin for capturing these smiles.

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