Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Good Sport Equipment Connection

On a mission to level the playing field the GOOD SPORT EQUIPMENT CONNECTION knows every child deserves access to sports and the benefits they bring. From improving academic performances to teaching fairness, to increasing coping skills, the benefits of participating in sports and physical activities are endless. New studies continue to emerge on the importance of unplugging and reengaging in sports and outdoor activities.

The GOOD SPORT EQUIPMENT CONNECTION is a new community collaboration of non-profits, corporate sponsors, and public schools working together to provide kids in Clark County the resources they need to take their position back in the game. Your donation of gently used sports equipment and financial support will help fill the budget gaps for many families and provide youth the benefits of physical activity.

The Challenge

Youth sports participation rates have steadily declined across the nation over the past decade. Budget cuts to athletic departments and physical education programs in schools throughout the county are increasing. As a result, more and more kids are forced to sit on the sidelines while the immense benefits that youth sports can provide often go unrealized.

According to sport and physical health studies:*



Only six U.S. states currently require physical education in every grade level from K-12.



48% of high schools in the U.S. do not have any type of physical education program.


KIDS 6-12


TEENS 13-17

28% of kids aged 6-12 and 19% of kids aged 13- 17 years were not involved in any sort of consistent physical activity in 2012.




According to the CDC obesity rates have more than doubled in children — and more than quadrupled in adolescents over the past 30 years, leaving more than 1/3 of the nations youth overweight or obese.

The Solution

Through the generous support of many sponsors and people just like you the GOOD SPORT EQUIPMENT CONNECTION is able to provide a targeted range of sporting footwear and equipment to youth throughout Clark County. The type of donations we receive determine what we are able to provide sports groups and kids in our community.

With the objective of getting as many kids off the sidelines and into the game as possible the GOOD SPORT EQUIPMENT CONNECTION is working to make the following possible:

Become part of the Solution

Thank you to our collaborators and sponsors!

Parks for Clark logo
McCord's Toyota
Clark College Penguin Head-CLR-01