Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

About Debra:

My name is Debra Bauman I started life on the East Coast but my passion for adventure and meeting the love of my life, led me to finally settle down in Vancouver about 14 years ago. I’ve had a colorful array of occupations. Professional dancer with NW African American Ballet, bartender and Realtor, to name a few. Now owner of Bauman Chiropractic and Advanced Therapeutic Massage as well as the mother of three teenagers keeps life quite busy. As a family we have visited over 16 countries and counting. I’m
always in awe of the beauty of our natural environment and the Pacific North West is one that Im always grateful to be returning to.

Why the Parks Foundation:

I volunteer because I think parks are what add to the livability of communities. As a mom of three children parks and rec played a huge role in their formative years and my sanity. All teenagers now, they are still involved in sports and love the outdoors. Parks bring communities together and enrich the lives that they serve, not to mention the health benefits of just being outside and away from our screens.

Favorite Park(s):

  1. Marshall Park: So many memories, tons of sports, birthday parties, and play time.
  2. Esther Short Park: Also my go to park with the little ones. Music, events and the Market.