Christy Sheffield Sanford

Artist-Writer Statement

For over twelve years, I have been working in the area of genre fusion, mainly with fiction and poetry. Biography and non-fiction also interest me somewhat. A history of my published experiments in genre fusion can be seen in the résumé on site.

I like using what I call an active-meditative approach. Typically the work explores a subject in depth using a variety of 20th century techniques, but most importantly
my focus is on time, language and the more elemental human qualities.

I'm intrigued by metaphoric implications coming from physics (unification theory), mathematics (chaos theory) and computer technology (inherent features and graphical interface).

I'm enjoying the idea that the computer can create electro-illuminated manuscripts, which may include theatrical elements. Much has been done with the latter predominantly in mind. Both areas seem ripe for exploration.

My guiding lights are Madame de Lafayette, Gertrude Stein, Charles Baudelaire, Henry Miller, Tennessee Williams, Molière and Marguerite Duras. I especially admire formalists who maintain their humanity.

Projects I discuss elsewhere in these pages are The Eye of the Aquifer (Springs Project) and The Madame de Lafayette Home Page. The résum;é outlines my past work with writing and producing performance art pieces.

Copyright © 1995.

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