Category: Blog
Where We All Come Together
Those who know me have probably heard me say “I can’t afford politics.” That is to say, I can’t afford to express a viewpoint that polarizes my clientele. This, I acknowledge, has the potential to appear a bit cynical. But the reasoning behind my position goes much deeper than that…
The Slippery Slope
I see a lot of slippery slopes. And I don’t even ski. The slippery slopes I encounter are a metaphor for uncertain leadership. Now I should note here that most of the organizations we work with are on solid ground when it comes to annual operations. (We tend to refer…
We Stand on the Shoulders of a Giant
What Tom Brady Can Teach Us
What Tom Brady can teach us (besides throwing a football)… As a former sports columnist I could not resist the opportunity opine on the Tom Brady air affair. It is germane to this space because it transcends sports. It is an opportunity to talk about something much more important: integrity,…
Where We All Come Together
Those who know me have probably heard me say “I can’t afford politics.” That is to say, I can’t afford to express a viewpoint that polarizes my clientele. This, I acknowledge, has the potential to appear a bit cynical. But the reasoning behind my position goes much deeper than that…
The Slippery Slope
I see a lot of slippery slopes. And I don’t even ski. The slippery slopes I encounter are a metaphor for uncertain leadership. Now I should note here that most of the organizations we work with are on solid ground when it comes to annual operations. (We tend to refer…
We Stand on the Shoulders of a Giant
What Tom Brady Can Teach Us
What Tom Brady can teach us (besides throwing a football)… As a former sports columnist I could not resist the opportunity opine on the Tom Brady air affair. It is germane to this space because it transcends sports. It is an opportunity to talk about something much more important: integrity,…