
The purpose of creating this video "how the internet has changed me" was for my DTC 101 class. The goal was to create a reflective personal analysis of how the web has changed me. I then had to intertwine lessons from the readings in class and use quotes from people such as Marshall McLuhan and Vannevar Bush, to further reinforce the points that they were making about how the internet would and has played a significant role in our daily lives.

The purpose of creating this video "Global Warming" was for my DTC 201 class, the assignment was open so long as it was based around social/cultural topics. Besides this, I also had to create a website and infographic, to go further into detail about how global warming is killing our planet. The tools used in the entire project were HTML5, CSS3, Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Illustrator.

My Fourth Website, this one was the most challenging of them all, because I approached this in a different manner than the others. I learned how to create a parralax scroll effect, instead of using a grid system. I also learned a bit of JavaScript to create a scroll effect that would allow for navigating the site to be more user-friendly, along with making a responsive navbar, that would turn into the burger symbol, when the screen got smaller. I made this site to be the most responsive out of all my creations which pushed me out of my comfort zone. The site design ties back into my inspiration from my info-card, I started with halo and wanted to end with halo, to show my progression in the class.

My First Website, the purpose of the info-card was to learn the fundamentals of HTML 5 and CSS throughout the course of several weeks and apply what we learned each week. For the design, since it was a project that we worked on gradually for about a month, I wanted it to be built around something I enjoy which is halo.

My Second Website, the purpose of the blackbird project was to apply our knowledge from the info-card project and create a poem. this project I learned how to create a grid-system, with the introduction of hierarchy in the code and visual design, while also learning about the importance of typography, and how it can make or break a project. I would then later apply this knowledge back into my info-card and improve it. This drastically improved it from what I had originally.

My Third Website, the recipe assignment introduced me to the use of A.I., specifically ChatGPT. The purpose of the assignment was to continue refining my skills in coding, but also to show what A.I. can do, which admittedly can be a little discouraging, but the content of the page, being the recipe, was generated by ChatGPT. I then had to create a design built around the chili. Which led me to this final design, I tried to create something that felt warm and comforting, which led me to this cabin in the mountain's aesthetic. The tools used in this were ChatGPT with permission from the professor, HTML5 and CSS3.