6/29 Digital Media

The multimodal design McLuhan’s used in his book The Medium is the Massage”  summarized the main idea of the book which is that the way we send and receive information is more important than the information itself. In another word the medium itself has the strongest impact on our life’s more than the message that is deliver. “Everybody experiences far more than he understands. Yet it is experience, rather than understanding, that influences behavior, especially in collective matters of media and technology, where the individual is almost inevitably unaware of their effects upon him.”- Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media, p.318 

McLuhan believe that any technology is an extent of our body, for example a car works as our feet, the telescope is an extinction of our eye, and so the electronic media is an extension of the nervous system. McLuhan called the printed media “hot media” and he means by that is it needs one sense to engage with it, and he called the television and the mass media “cool media” because more senses are involved with it.

  In what ways do Manovich’s 5 principles of “new media” extend McLuhan ideas about how media shapes us?

Below is some general principles of how media shape us. these principles noticed by Manovic, and they apply for most media.

1. Numerical Representation :media objects are math equations, and built form numbers. Any manipulations for these numbers will change the object.

2. Modularity “fractal structure of new media.”: media objects has the same structure, but they  are built on bigger or smaler scale.

3. Automation: Both the first and second principles allow the media operations to be automated.

4. Variability :Media object can change to different  versions.

5. Transcoding


This is my first official meme. I will give you a quick background of it. The big container is made form clay to keep the water kind of cold, and the littlie thing on the top of it is a cup that people use to dip in and get water. It used to be very common specially around schools and buses stops. Now a days it is very rear. Notice how the littlie cup is secured by a rob so it does not get lost!! The meme could be use to promote the vaccine to people who born before 2000 and lived overseas in the middle east or Africa.


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