I would want to create a work out app that helps people get moving more during our uneasy time. With people having to stay home as much as possible, creating a work out app could help people get moving while being in their home for so long.
With this app would you could set up how many calories you would like to burn for the day, work out time and how many steps in a day you would like to get. With completing daily goals you get points that could get you to a reward system. After so many points to rewards you could redeem them to a program that can help you get free things. So partnering up with a healthy food delivery service, like hello fresh, would be more motivating to keep a healthy life style. Or even a workout clothing line could throw in sports bras, shorts, leggings or even shirts when you hit specific goals or getting enough points towards rewards.
Daily points = to rewards and rewards = to a beneficial lifestyle
With the app having specific work out movements for all parts of the body. Another plus for the app is you could have a trainer help you with a work out of the day. Get local trainers to download videos to the app that will be seen by the customers. The more views to a specific workout, that trainer can get rewards too. For the trainer it could be something of how to get their business up and running, free ads for their business or even, when the world stops being weird, have a free face to face session, that could help with creating clients and business.

With the app create a competition round. For people who use the app and do specific workouts can compete with others on who burned the most calories and where you place in the competition you can get more points to go towards your rewards.

The app can have spirit weeks. Take a picture of the outfit you wore for spirit week and get points for that as well. You could do a tye dye theme, 80’s/90’s theme, animals, colors and sports teams.
What is the challenge?
The challenge is to burn as many calories during the day/week/month as you can. To beat other people who use the app to get as many points as you can to earn rewards that can help you get free things to benefit a healthy life style.
What is the choice?
The choice is yours if you want to compete with other people or against yourself. Make personal goals yourself, have a trainer help you achieve those goals or just making the choice to step in the right direction of helping yourself.
What is the change?
The change is your lifestyle. The change is your body feeling better and lighter. If you were to lose weight with the app the change would be your wardrobe.
What is the chance?
The chance is to get these rewards. Getting a trainer one on one session, getting free gear, getting hello fresh shipped to your door, the chance to change your body/health for the better.