Locative Art


When I searched Wikipedia for locative Art, the website took me to the locative media page. What Wikipedia is, is basically an online super dictionary. Most of the info that came up on the locative media page was informational. However, one can’t always trust wikipedia to be correct when presenting their information. Wikipedia is an open book, anyone can be an author and change the information on any given page. This is why it can be unreliable. There is no way of knowing how credible the author is.

The next search I did for locative  art was on the Leonardo Electronic Almanac. This site is very different from Wikipedia. It is basically a site similar to the sites that many colleges use for research. When I typed locative art into the search box, the site pulled up many different abstracts, collections of abstracts, and books on the subject. While this site definitely seems like a much more reliable source for information, it also causes me to pause. The site looks too polished to be objective. Where did the money come from to make the site look so good? Are there certain authors or universities that are paying to get a better search placement?

When I searched for locative art on WorldCat  the site pulled up many different books on art. while the other sites pulled up pieces that had to do with electronic art, WorldCat pulled up books on modernism and renaissance art. Only showing me something that had to do with electronic art about halfway down the page. I feel las though I can trust this site because it is being utilized by a well known university.

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