My final video project is going to be a dream sequence. I start off the video with myself mourning for a friend who died before the dream. As I go to sleep, the next morning I wake up to open the door. The door ends up leading to somewhere else outside of my house. When the door leads to somewhere else, that is where the dream is exposed. I am exploring the area wondering what is going on. I eventually encounter the same friend I mourned for. As we see each other, we become happy and run to each other to hug. We just hang around and play sports and laugh. After hanging out and laughing, the dream ends with him giving me a paper. As I wake up, I see that the paper he gave me was in my pocket. I end up opening it and it is a letter about the times he had with me on earth. It even said that he could not write this to me before he died because he died too soon.
My plan for the rough cut should start with me in my room at home mourning for my friend who passed away. I could also get a black and white photo of him on my computer which demonstrates the fact that his time has passed. A video of myself falling asleep is needed to start the story of where the dream begins. As the dream starts, it could be me waking up from bed and then opening my bedroom door leading to somewhere else. I will use the campus to demonstrate that my bedroom door led to somewhere else. As I get a video of myself opening the bedroom door, I will also get a continuity shot of myself entering the campus or opening the door leading to outside of the campus building.
We were supposed to do something related to a found footage with friends hanging out having fun. So this whole time, we basically have a perspective of someone recording with a camera filming us having fun. We need three people to portray three brothers who hang out and someone else to portray the dead body. We also need props for the video which friends use for having fun. We might need to record each other buying snacks and drinks. We should also get a video of like tents or something else friends use for having fun. We could also get a video of a picnic carpet. What we can do is record each other showing what we have for the trip to the camera at the same time smiling and laughing. We could also get a video of ourselves having a conversation and joking around in the car. We also need to ask permissions to each other and wherever we record at for accommodations. We need to ask each other if its ok borrowing equipment and someone else who owns the place we record at because they might be strict with it.
We could go to like a beach or a park where the dead body is found. Someone I think from my perspective of the script should portray a bad guy who caused the death. I thought of portaying the brother who planned the trip just to set them up and revealed to be the killer this whole time. We could also use someone to portray somebody else in the first person view looking at the found footage.
I had a challenge with this interview assignment choosing the right people for interviewing. It was hard for me to evaluate the time someone would have for me if they could not do the interview assignment. If they did not have time to help me, it would give me less time to finish the assignment before the due date. I also was concerned about how the previous person of my choice would feel if I chose someone else as another option who had time for me. I asked my friend Nicholas Newberg if it would be ok to ask my friend Prashant Chad as another option and he said it was ok.
I had a great experience working with my friend Prashant Chad for my interview assignment. There were alot of things that worked well when I asked him for help. He was really cooperative and he was able to make arrangements for me. I thought he could help me because he always makes arrangements for us to hang out. As I got to know him, I found out he does kickboxing and I saw that I could interview him about kickboxing. He looked really enthusiastic when I interviewed him.
Another thing that worked well is that I was able to interview him at Washington State University since they have equipment for visual evidence. The campus had a gym with a punching bag and gloves. Since the gym had martial arts equipment, I was able to not only interview Prashant about kickboxing but also record him actually doing it for visual evidence.
I chose to write about the Amish Montage scene where they describe the outside world and the Amish world which would be in the category of Amish, not English. They believe that things that entertain us in the world are not good, so they just do labor and other chores at the Amish church. The visual evidence here is the person digging dirt putting it in a machine and someone else feeding cows which is good visual evidence for showing how reality is for the Amish people. What makes this visual evidence useful is that the audience could see what the Amish people do in their everyday life.
Some of these scenes might not be staged because the people who made this movie wanted truthful details since they are making a documentary about the Amish tradition. What I mean by truthful details is that they might have gone to an actual Amish church to interview everyone there. If they go to an actual Amish church, they can get a video of what people actually do instead of creating an environment with props. If they created an environment with props, that means they did not go to an actual place to record the traditions of everyone and just lie to us.
Other scenes that stand out were showing the clips of McDonalds and other places that existed out of the boundaries of the Amish community. The visual evidence showing places outside of the Amish community is good visual evidence for showing what the Amish people avoid which would be the English community.
Visual evidence can be in conflict if it is not confirmed to be legit or if people do not trust it. For example, the video at the Amish church may not be an actual church but maybe, a setting to create a documentary video about the tradition of Amish people. It may be hard to prove the interviewers are at the actual area for the interview and convince people it is not a place that is set up or created.
I chose to write about the video Yorgo Alexopoulos No Feeling is Final; In Five Chapters, 2010 because I like how the media presentation was made. They may have recorded a video of different landscapes, views, and trees which are broken into pieces of collage. These collages display a view that represents how beautiful nature is in reality. It looks like they put animation in it to make certain shots fade in and fade out. There are even shapes with low opacity that appear in the video to make the animation more appealing. There is a circle that grows bigger and a low-opacity triangle that slides side to side. The appeal of the animation shows how beautiful the world is in general.
Some of these collages have two-dimensional animations in each of them which are not only landscapes and trees, but also shapes in each of the squares. Pencil drawings are also displayed on the video which are how these landscapes or trees would look if they were drawn. The pictures of the natural world may also be put on the computer to use with animating techniques to make it look accurate while animating them.
These animation techniques could be used in cinema for the beginning of the movie or an opening scene. Animation may be used to introduce the production companies of a movie or the intro of it introducing its makers. The movie makers create openings and introductions because they want to introduce the film and whoever made it in an appealing way.
The opening scene in the tv show Shameless used framing and continuity for demonstrating what the characters are doing in the scene. The framing is used to show what the character is doing. Continuity is used to describe the whole story or concept from waking up to eating in the dining room. There is a frame with the mother going from room to room telling the kids that it is seven fifteen in the morning. The frame then continues with the two of the kids racing to the bathroom as one sibling beats the other to it then closes the door quickly. The continuity then goes to the dining room with everyone getting the table ready to eat. There is a frame of the mom looking at the calendar which makes her realize that the payment for the electricity is due as well. The framing and continuity shows everyone in the dining room multi-tasking, collecting money for the electricity and eating. They also discuss their plans like tutoring, getting a job, and taking the baby to a scheduled appointment.
The overall framing and continuity can demonstrate the lives that they live. It shows how the family lives their lives harder because it shows them multitasking, collecting money while they are eating which could demonstrate that they lack money. The fact that the framing shows them putting money in the box could help us see that they struggle financially. One of the frames even shows one of the siblings telling the other sibling about getting a better job where we could tell the person who is raising them does not get paid enough from their job.
I chose to write about the road trouble scene in Duel: Remastered Youtube video where the car and a big truck are on a road rage.The framing and continuity in the scene can already gives us an idea about what is going on. The truck takes up the whole frame as it is in front of the car slowing it down. The frame even shows the smaller car then cuts in front of the big truck then gets mad as the big truck cuts in front of him. The camera on the truck cutting here could make us wonder if the truck is intentionally slowing him down on a road that needs to be at a higher speed limit. The fact that the framing and continuity demonstrates the truck is slowing the car down can show us that he figured he would lose the car if it went in front of him going faster. The car then goes in front of the big truck again to get to his destination quicker and get away from the truck. The continuity shows there seems to be no problem afterwards since the driver of the smaller car was happy and the truck was far away in the frame. As soon as he goes to the gas station, we see there is still something wrong as the big truck goes there as well. In the scene with the gas station, we can see that there is a possible conflict continuing as the truck goes to the gas station following the car. The continuity editing in the scene with the truck and the car on the road cutting to the gas station shows that it shows that the truck driver may want to cause harm to the driver of the smaller car.
The first medium close-up image is Thanos traveling from place to place where he ends up encountering the superheroes.
2. The second photo after that is the extreme long-shot with another angle of Thanos’s destination on another planet.
3. The third photo is a long shot of Dr. Strange weaponizing himself to fight Thanos.
4. The fourth shot here is zoomed in from a long shot to a
medium long shot of Dr. Strange weaponizing himself to fight Thanos.
5. It shows Thanos pinning him to the ground in the high shot perspective for the fifth photo.
6. In the sixth photo, the low shot perspective right after that is another perspective of Thanos pinning Spider-Man to the ground while he is looking down.
7. The seventh shot shows a medium close-up shot of
Nebula who holds a weapon to fight Thanos.
8. The eighth shot in the medium perspective is Thanos talking to Nebula as they fight.
9. In the ninth shot, it shows that Dr. Strange is the first one who sets up a trap before the rest of the superheroes come to neutralize him in a high shot.
10. The tenth shot is the close-up perspective that shows Iron Man tensing up getting ready for a blow.
Diego Silan
Professor Luers
Digital Technology and Culture 208
August 29, 2024
All of these scenes that I found on Youtube demonstrate the battle with the superheroes against Thanos from an action movie Avengers Infinity War. Some of the shots show the characters facial expression as they are getting ready to fight Thanos. There are also the shots that show characters getting ready or currently in a fight against Thanos. The first medium close-up image is Thanos traveling from place to place where he ends up encountering the superheroes. The second photo after that is the extreme long-shot with another angle of Thanos’s destination on another planet. First and second shots show how the fight started since Thanos landed in an area where he encountered the superheroes.
Dr Strange is the first one who encounters Thanos where he weaponizes himself to prepare for a fight in the third and fourth shot. The camera starts at a long shot at the third photo then zooms into a medium long shot in the fourth photo. The fifth and sixth shots show Spider Man fighting Thanos. It shows Thanos pinning him to the ground in the high shot perspective for the fifth photo. In the sixth photo, the low shot perspective right after that is another perspective of Thanos pinning Spider Man to the ground while he is looking down. The seventh shot shows a medium close up shot of Nebula who holds a weapon to fight Thanos. The eight shot in the medium perspective is Thanos talking to Nebula as they fight. The shots from the third to the eighth here show how Thanos independently fights more than one superhero.
The ninth shot is a high perspective shot that demonstrates part of the strategy the superheroes used to trap Thanos before they did it. Everyone works together to come up with a strategy that eventually leads them into trapping him in order to execute him. In the ninth shot, it shows that Dr. Strange is the first one who sets up the trap before the rest of the superheroes come to neutralize him. It is set up in a high perspective because he flies to get an angle to stop him from moving which also demonstrates an advantage for them winning. The tenth shot is the close-up perspective that shows Iron Man tensing up getting ready for a blow. This angle here also shows that trapping Thanos was not successful so they continue to fight him. Iron man would have looked relieved if trapping Thanos was successful but the ninth shot in a close up image shows a different facial expression of him getting ready for a fatal attack.