Due Dec 10: Project #2 and Group Presentations due – each group will present for 3 minutes on their animation. Each member should discuss their role in the project and also the group’s inspiration in creating the animation. 

Make sure you submit all Project #2 requirements: Group’s Final Maya Project file and final rendered mp4 video file to the Class OneDrive folder. And email me your Self & Group Evaluation & Vimeo URL .  

FYI – No Class on Nov. 24th & 26th (Thanksgiving Break). Take care of yourself and stay safe! 

Due Nov. 19: Homework #10: 20-second playblast due. Create a 20-sec playblast that demonstrates the first 20 seconds of your group animation within your scene (3 points). Playblast should be named: Group NamePlayblast1.mp4 (1 point). Compress the .mov/.avi that you export from Maya  Make sure the video dimensions are 1280 x 720 pixels. 

Due Nov. 12: Homework #9: Work further with the setup of your camera, lights, and materials for your Project#2. Take a 1280×720 jpeg image of your Project #2 setting to show off the environment and lighting of your animation (3 points). Upload your Maya Project folder into the Homework 9 folder along with your rendered jpeg image (placed in your images folder) and make sure your image file is named: Last name_First name_HW9.jpg (1 point). 

Due Nov. 10: Keep working on your Project #2 environment and lighting. Make sure you are communicating with your team members. Bring your project files to class for in-class studio time. Also, let me know if you are encountering any issues with your project at all.  

FYI: Homework #9: Rendered image of environment and lighting for Project #2 is due on Thursday, Nov. 12th. 

Due Nov. 5
Homework #8: Storyboard for Project #2 is due.  Make sure your group turns in just one hard copy of your proposed storyboard that has been agreed upon by every member of your group

This is also a great time to search for audio (background music, sound effects, dialogue, etc.) for your Project #2

Due Nov. 3:
Homework #7: King, queen, & knight models due.  Upload your Last Name_First NameHW6 Maya Project Folder (you can leave it as #6 so all pieces are due) with your Last Name_First Name_HW6.ma file (with the king, queen, & knight models) in the Homework #7 folder to the class OneDrive. 

You will be graded on the following:
Polygonal modeling (no odd pinches, banding, puckering, or gaps) to the reference imagery (see chess pieces on Reference page) – 2 points
Proper Maya Folder structure (Maya ASCII file naming and Maya Project folder naming & setup) – 2 point

Due Oct. 29: Keep working on your king, queen, and knight models as they are due Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Groups for Project #2

Group #1
Andrew S
Eli H
Yunjee U
Jacob C

Group #2
Quinn T
Joel C
Andrew T
VyAnh L

Group #3
Mitchell T
Katya F
Sierra O
Jake M

Group #4
Elyse M
Sarah W
Matthew F
Ransom R

Group #5
Alyona B
Betsy H
Viet N

Group #6
Kathy K
Maria S
Brandan T

Due Oct. 27:
Homework #6: Pawn, rook, and bishop models due
.  Upload your Last Name_First NameHW6 Maya Project Folder with your Last Name_First Name_HW6.ma file in the scenes folder to the class OneDrive.  

You will be graded on the following:
Polygonal modeling (no odd pinches, banding, puckering, or gaps) to the reference imagery (see chess pieces on Reference page) – 2 points
Proper Maya Folder structure (Maya ASCII file naming and Maya Project folder naming & setup) – 2 point 

Due Oct. 20:
Extra Credit Open Book Quiz on class readings! Go back over ch. 1, 2, 5, & 6 and be ready for an in-class Open Book Quiz. Then we are going to start modeling again in Maya. 

Due Oct. 15
Project #1 is due. Make sure you have emailed me your self & group evaluations and uploaded to the class OneDrive your Group Project folder, rendered animation, & Vimeo URL. Each group will be presenting their projects to the class.

Due Oct. 13:
Keep developing your Project #1 based on feedback to the Playblast #1 and you should be rendering out your animation by today to allow enough time for compositing in AE. Also, make sure you watch this tutorial on rendering out your image sequences from Maya & compositing them in AE. 

Due Oct. 8

1) Project #1 is now due on Oct. 15th @ 10:35am.  

2) 20sec. Playblast of Project #1 is due. Name the playblast: Group Name_Playblast1.mov (or .avi) and have it in the movies folder of your Maya Project. Upload your zipped master Maya Project file folder to the class OneDrive. We will have a class for work in progress critique right at the beginning of class. 

Due Sept 29
1) Continue developing the modeling of your environment & characters. Also, work on the lighting in the scene. 
2) Watch ch. 11 of Maya 2020 Essential Training.  

Due Sept 24
Continue working on your Project #1. Be ready to show me models, environments, etc. that you are creating. 

Due Sept 22
1) Read ch. 6 of 3D Animation Essentials.

2) Homework #4 due: Submit via the class OneDrive your group’s storyboard for Project #1. Include the timing and short summary of each scene. Make sure you include any audio elements such as SFX or dialogue that you will need to record or locate. 

Due Sept 17:
Meet with your Project #1 group and discuss the best method for group communication. Additionally, discuss possible topics for your group Project #1 and the roles & duties each person will be taking on during Project #1. 

Group #1:
Brandan T
Matthew F
VyAnh L

Group #2:
Katya F
Quinn T
Maria S
Eli H

Group #3:
Ransom R
Andrew T
Sierra O

Group #4:
Jake M
Elyse M
Viet N
Yunjee U

Group #5:
Betsy H
Jacob C
Joel C
Sarah W

Group #6:
Kathy K
Alyona B
Andrew S
Mitchell T


Due Sept 15:
1) Homework #3: Rendered image of fruit bowl and 3D model of fruit bowl. Work further with the setup of your camera, lights, and materials for your tabletop still life. Create walls or windows and work with the different lighting approaches (area, spot, and skydomes) and techniques demonstrated in class to create a rendered image. Take a 1280×720 jpeg image of your still life and make sure you show off your modeled fruit and tabletop. Upload your Maya Project folder into the Homework 3 folder along with your rendered jpeg image (placed in your images folder) and make sure your image file is named: Last name_First name_HW3.jpg.

2) Watch ch. 9 & 10 of Maya 2020 Essential Training

Due Sept 10
Watch ch. 8 of Maya 2020 Essential Training

Due Sept. 8:
Homework #2: Finalize modeling your banana, pear, and bowl. Add materials to your fruit & bowl. Model your pear and banana to look like you would want to pick it up and eat it. If needed, work further to improve your apple which you can import into your HW2 file since it should be included in your finalized fruit bowl for Homework #2. Place your fruit in your bowl as you would find it in real life. Upload your zipped Maya project folder to the Homework 2 folder in the class OneDrive folder and make sure you name your scene: Last name_First Name_HW2.ma

You will be graded on the following:
Polygonal modeling (no odd pinches, banding, puckering, or gaps) – 2 points
Proper Maya Folder structure (Maya ASCII file naming and Maya Project folder naming & setup) – 2 points

Due Sept 3:
Watch ch. 5 & 6 of Maya 2020 Essential Training

Due Sept 1:
1) Homework #1 due: Finalize your 3D apple model.  Include a stem on the apple that you have grouped to your apple. You can add details (leaf) – but make your apple looks like an apple you would want to buy if you went to the grocery store. You’re only modeling in polygons, not NURBS shapes.
Make sure you name your scene: Last name_First name_HW1.ma and the scene file inside the scenes folder. Upload your zipped Maya apple project file folder (with proper file structure) to the Homework #1 folder in the class OneDrive folder. 

You will be graded on the following:
Polygonal modeling (no odd pinches, banding, puckering, or gaps) – 2 points
Proper Maya Folder structure (Maya ASCII file naming and Maya Project folder naming & setup) – 2 points

2) Read ch. 2 & 5 of 3D Animation Essentials. 

3) Watch ch. 2, 3, & 4 of Maya 2020 Essential Training.

Due Aug. 27:
1) Complete the Student Survey and Syllabus Scavenger Hunt
2) Read Chapter 1 of 3D Animation Essentials. 
3) Get a Maya educational account and install Maya 2020 on your computer. Be ready to start modeling in Maya. 
4) Get a Fort Vancouver or Multnomah County Library card for online access to Lynda.com. Watch ch. 1 of Maya 2020 Essential Training. Open up Maya and work alongside the video tutorials.