Blackbird Project


The Blackbird Project has two parts that are graded. The first part, worth 5%, will be formatting the Wallace Stevens poem into HTML5. This we will will do together in class. In the second part, worth 10%, you will complete your own design using CSS.

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird, by Wallace Stevens

Blackbird HTML – 5%

Follow along in class was we format Wallace Steven’s poem “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird”  in a one page HTML document. This HTML file should be called “index.html” and placed, along with the image file, inside a folder called “blackbird.” For this portion of the project your html file should have the following:

  1. one external link
  2. one internal or anchor link (from the author to the bio section)
  3. one image insert (with image(s) inside a folder called “img”)
  4. formatted HTML (identing)
  5. a blackbird project folder uploaded to the server using FTP (Cyberduck) – or the correct url/path to your pages.
  6. check that you site shows up from the list: TBA

The assignment will be graded based on the functional and proper uses and syntax of HTML mark-up. 

Blackbird CSS Design – 10%

For this portion of the Blackbird project, you will apply CSS for a final site design. Your design with an external CSS stylesheet should have the following:

  • a color scheme using Adobe Kuler  (Kuler is also in PS)
  • a background image
  • thoughtful typography
  • basic fixed-pixel layout
  • formatted CSS (identing)

The assignment will be graded based on the functional and proper uses and syntax of HTML mark-up and CSS styles.  Though I am not grading on the quality of your design and layout, please put some effort into a pleasing look.  Extra credit will be given if your design attempts to reflect an interpretation of the poem’s meaning!

Make sure you have at least the following from last week Blackbird HTML assignment:

    • one external link (to the wikipedia page)
    • one internal or anchor link (from author name in header to #bio)
    • one image insert (with image(s) inside a folder called “img”)
    • formatted HTML (identing)
    • one external stylesheet – “styles.css”
    • check that your site shows up from the list: TBA


Blackbird ToDo list before submitting:

  • validate your project HTML and CSS (validate often!)
  • use a color scheme with good contrast of dark and light
  • add “alt” text to images
  • apply styles to links
  • format your html and css so that it is readable: tab in for nested elements, keep alignments



The url to the blackbird project submitted in Canvas.
Check that you site shows up from the list: TBA


Grading Considerations

The Blackbird Project will be graded on the following aspects:

  • 50%: the usability and appearance of your web page:
    • images and fonts load correctly
    • images are sized well
    • text and content looks formatted correctly
    • visual attractiveness and style 
    • an appealing color scheme, using all 5 colors
    • originality: how different does it look from class demos?
  • 50%: the accuracy, neatness, and organization of your files and code:
    • HTML and CSS code is formatted and indented well
    • the syntax of code is consistent in terms of spaces, letter case, etc.
    • code has useful comments where appropriate
    • all images have “alt tags” to describe the image
    • files are organized well:
      • one HTML file and one external CSS file for the entire site
      • HTML, CSS, and image files are intelligently named

Remember: you can use tools such as the W3C Validator and the HTML Beautifier to check your code!