iBook Project
Due October 12
In this project, you will create an e-book using iBook Author. The topic of your iBook should be one of the following:
- An in-depth study of the subject matter that we cover in one of the weeks August 31st and September 28th. You will reference both the required writing for that week and at least one other academic source.
- A technical or how-to manual.
- A non-fiction account of an important event or series of events from your own life or from that of someone you know.
- A short story. This can be a retelling of an existing story, but it must be significantly different than from the original, using the affordances of the e-book as a guide.
- Explore the affordances and constraints of the e-book medium, especially in comparison to print books.
- Experiment with the coordination of various mediums and modes such as text, image, audio, animation, and infographics.
Your iBook should include the following:
- A minimum of 500 words of text, excluding chapter titles, captions, and alt-text.
- A minimum of ten pages.
- A minimum of 2 chapters
- At least one non-text media element on each page. These can include images, video, audio files, animations (including GIFs) and infographics.
- At least one video
- At least one non-text media element other than a video.
- At least 2 links to relevant web content.
All media elements should relate to your theme and to each other.
This project is worth 85 points and will be graded as follows:
Use of non-textual media elements to express your ideas 20 points
Are images, video, etc. used to to
Coordination of all media elements 20 points
Writing 15 points
Meet all assignment requirements 15 points
Overall site design 15 points
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