Twine Project
One of the hallmarks of electronic literature is multilinearity. Multilinear texts to not follow the traditional single narrative path standard to print. Instead of a single beginning, middle and ending, a multilinear text may have a variety of contradictory or complementary plots, perspectives, and endings. You will use Twine for your introduction to thinking about your works as a series of possible paths and reader choices.
The guidelines for this project are fairly broad, as I am mostly interested in your own exploration of how the process of writing changes when the writer is freed from the straight narrative line. The options for the types of texts you can write are the same as for the iBook project, the only stipulation being that you choose a different type than what you used in that project.
- Your Twine text will contain at least 20 windows
- Your project will be total of at least 1,000 words
- No more than 7 windows will contain only one link
- At least on of the variables that we discussed in class will be used.
We will go over the basics of Twine in class, but to get you started, go to this tutorial site for instructions on the basic features that we will be utilizing.
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