N. Katherine Hayles said that “Strickland’s poems meditate on the mystery of numbers and the embedded links that connect embodied experience with universal abstraction. Not to be missed. Paul Harris exclaimed that True North is “[a] quintessentially American piece. The poetry is arresting, to eye and mind. Here is a perception of the world filtered through the lenses of contemporary science.” Marjorie Perloff added to this chorus of kudos when she stated “TRUE NORTH is a profound meditation on history and geography, time and eternity, number and a state beyond number.”

Find out for yourself why Stephanie Strickland’s hypertext poem, True North, won the Salt Hill hypertext prize, and the book of poetry on which it is based was awarded the 1997 Ernest Sandeen Poetry Prize and the Alice Fay di Castagnola Award from the Poetry Society of America.

Live Stream Traversal of Stephanie Strickland’s True North
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
12 noon-1:00 p.m.
Live on YouTube; F2F in The MOVE Lab, WSUV Campus, VCLS 3
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzeZQ05p_1Tli0lDBeWMxOA/live
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=elitpathfinders
Twitter: #elitlab, #elitpathfinders
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/electronicliteraturelab/

The author will be present to perform her work. 

True North was published in 1997 by Eastgate Systems, Inc. For the Traversal we will be using the CD-ROM version and a iMac G4 “Lampshade” Macintosh computer, circa 2002-04.

Join us for this very special event.