We are proud to announce the Launch Party in celebration of Kathleen Zoller’s, The Progressive Dinner Party Restored, a multimedia book built on the Scalar platform that presents her project to restore Jennifer Ley, Margie Luesebrink, and Carolyn Guyer’s special collection of women’s electronic literature, The Progressive Dinner Party, published in Ley’s journal, Riding the Meridian in 1996.

Using Rhizome’s Webrecorder, local files sent to her by the artists, and the Wayback Machine, Kathleen painstakingly updated works produced with Flash or Shockwave for current browsers, restored missing media, and fixed external links where needed. 

At the event Kathleen will give a short presentation about the book.

We would like to thank Jennifer Ley, who founded and edited Riding the Meridian for her unequivocal support of this project. We also want to Margie and Carolyn who worked with Jennifer on the collection, and all of the artists of the collection for their support of Kathleen’s project. We also would like to thank Washington State University’s 2019 Undergraduate Summer Mini-Grant awarded to Kathleen. Without this support, this project would not have been possible. Finally, appreciation also goes to CMDC faculty member Trevor Dodge for sponsoring this event during his class.