CMDC’s Fulbright Scholar Gave Research Presentation about E-Lit

Yesterday, the CMDC’s Fulbright Scholar, Ula Pawlicka, gave her formal research presentation to the CMDC community.  A video of this presentation was prepared and uploaded to Vimeo by CMDC Alum Amalia Vacca. Since August 2014 Ula has been working in ELL researching the works referenced in her presentation.  Her work will be an important contribution […]

Curating “New Text” Exhibit at ISEA 2015

  I have been invited to curate an exhibit of electronic literature and media art for a special show at ISEA 2015 entitled “New Text.”  Eleven artists or teams of artists have been selected for this exhibit including Astrovandalistas, Silvio Lorusso and Sebastien Schmieg, Simon Groth, Jody Zellen, John Cayley and Daniel Howe, Chris Rodley and Andrew […]

Digital Media Scholar James O’Sullivan Visits ELL

Scholars dream of other scholars finding their life’s work interesting, valuable, or relevant. Most of us toil away at research for years hoping that what we do may benefit others in some way. It is always heartening to give a paper at a conference and notice that the room is full, or to check the analytics […]

James O’Sullivan and Jeneen Naji Will Visit ELL

We are very excited to have our DH colleagues, James O’Sullivan and Jeneen Naji, visit in November.  James arrives on November 5th to work with me on the proposal for our book on electronic literature.  We are holding a formal reception for James on Thursday at 5 p.m. in ELL.  Jeneen visits from November 12-15 […]

Photos from Moving Words

Moving Words:  An Exploration of Kinetic Poetry and Prose, 1984-2014 is in its final days, but I wanted to post the images from the launch party that took place on Thursday, March 13.  A special thank you to Jeneen Nagi, who invited me to curate this exhibit and who did so much to make it […]

ELL’s Online Catalog

For the past year members of ELL’s staff have been working to catalog all of the works of e-lit and computers available in the lab.  Last summer Setareh Alizadeh meticulously organized the stacks and stacks of CDs, hypertext folios, floppies, and diskettes into a discernible collection of works dating back over two decades.  Amalia Vacca […]

“The Art of Moving Words”

This post constitutes the curatorial statement for the exhibit built in ELL for the National University of Ireland Maynooth entitled Moving Words:  Kinetic Poetry and Prose, 1984-2014.  The exhibit opened on Thursday, March 14 at 5:30 at Illuminations Gallery.  I was invited by electronic literature scholar and Director of Illuminations Jeneen Naji, PhD to create this […]

Cracked Macs, or a Cautionary Tale about Digital Preservation

Four of the vintage Macs from ELL were destroyed in shipment to the Pathfinders exhibit at the Modern Language Association convention in Chicago last week. The boxes were delivered in perfect shape; however, when I opened up the first one, the LC 575, I noticed a piece of the top was cracked. As I pulled […]

Adding to the Mac Family

 I added five more computers to the lab today:  Two G3 iMacs (Graphite), one Performa, one PowerPC, and another SE. Here are the specs for the first four: iMac #1 Mac OS X 10.4 640 MB RAM 400 MHz G3 13GB HDD DVD-ROM (slot load, works) iMac #2 Mac OS 9.1 128MB RAM 400MHz G3 […]