CMDC’s Fulbright Scholar Gave Research Presentation about E-Lit

Yesterday, the CMDC’s Fulbright Scholar, Ula Pawlicka, gave her formal research presentation to the CMDC community.  A video of this presentation was prepared and uploaded to Vimeo by CMDC Alum Amalia Vacca. Since August 2014 Ula has been working in ELL researching the works referenced in her presentation.  Her work will be an important contribution […]

Curating “New Text” Exhibit at ISEA 2015

  I have been invited to curate an exhibit of electronic literature and media art for a special show at ISEA 2015 entitled “New Text.”  Eleven artists or teams of artists have been selected for this exhibit including Astrovandalistas, Silvio Lorusso and Sebastien Schmieg, Simon Groth, Jody Zellen, John Cayley and Daniel Howe, Chris Rodley and Andrew […]

Digital Media Scholar James O’Sullivan Visits ELL

Scholars dream of other scholars finding their life’s work interesting, valuable, or relevant. Most of us toil away at research for years hoping that what we do may benefit others in some way. It is always heartening to give a paper at a conference and notice that the room is full, or to check the analytics […]

James O’Sullivan and Jeneen Naji Will Visit ELL

We are very excited to have our DH colleagues, James O’Sullivan and Jeneen Naji, visit in November.  James arrives on November 5th to work with me on the proposal for our book on electronic literature.  We are holding a formal reception for James on Thursday at 5 p.m. in ELL.  Jeneen visits from November 12-15 […]

Preparing for Visitors of the 25th Anniversary Celebration

ELL was one of a handful of labs open on Saturday, September 6, for WSUV’s 25th Anniversary Celebration.  We showed many of the works of electronic literature featured in Pathfinders, like Victory Garden and Uncle Roger, as well as other others we thought the public would enjoy.  Among the favorites were Talan Memmott’s Lexia to […]

My Macs are Back in Time for WSUV’s 25th Anniversary Celebration

You may remember that Bill Bly, electronic literature artist and author of We Descend, gave me a car full of Macs last summer when he visited me on the way to Milwaukee, MI to the ELO 2014 conference. I asked Jeff, my former student and resident Mac hardware guru who fixes the Macs in my […]

Fulbright Scholar from Poland Researching in ELL

Urszula Pawlicka, a doctoral candidate  from the University of Warmia and Mazury, located in Olsztyn, Poland, has come to the CMDC program as a Fulbright scholar to study electronic literature and cyberculture with Dr. Dene Grigar, becoming the first ELL Visiting Scholar.  “Ula,” as she is called, comes with extensive training.  After completing the first stage of […]

Invited back to DHSI for 2015

I was very happy to receive the invitation, today, from Ray Siemens to return to the Digital Humanities Summer Institute next summer at the University of Victoria, to teach the course in electronic literature again.  This will make the 4th year in a row that I have taught at the institute. This year I brought […]

More New Vintage Computers for ELL

The trunk to the black PF Cruiser popped open to reveal a pile of vintage computers, keyboards, boxes of software and other tech goodies destined for ELL.  In the car’s backseat was another mound of vintage tech.  The man who provided this “Christmas in June” experience was none other than Bill Bly, pioneering electronic literature […]