“the truth” is a tongue-in-cheek story that confronts anxiety around art making and fears about inadequacy that often surround the creative process. When experiencing the truth, the viewer engages in a dialogue with a character with dystopian (yet strangely familiar) ideas about what art is and how society should best engage with it. Through continued interactions with the character, more underlying fears and assumptions are revealed, which in turn asks the viewer to confront their own ideas and opinions about what makes art real and ultimately worthwhile.
URL to the work: https://dtc-wsuv.org/yum20/thetruth
Yunjee Um is a senior at Washington State University Vancouver studying Digital Technology and Culture. She is from Korea. She came back to school after five years of gap year after an AA degree in communication. Taking DTC courses, Yunjee is learning how to communicate with graphics, animations, and sound rather than text. She enjoys doodling and creating simple graphics with Adobe illustrator. Her motivations and creative powers come from a multicultural experience in her lifetime. Her previous pressure of making everything perfect has been transformed into making everything enjoyable.
Lauren Varney is a junior at Washington State University Vancouver studying Digital Technology and Culture. She is pursuing a minor in Fine Arts and a certificate in Game Studies and Design. Lauren enjoys philosophy and satirical writing, of which she has incorporated into her work in various ways. Through studio art classes she has confronted her own anxiety about making art and her vision of what “good art” is. Her experience includes learning to trust the process, experiment with the tools available and separate the “creating” process from the “critiquing” one.