Course Information
Spring 2019
M 3:10 p.m.-5:40 p.m.
Classroom: Zoom & F2F
3 hours credit
Dene Grigar, Professor & Director of the CMDC Program
Office: Avery 212
Office Hours: M, 2:00-3:00 p.m.; by appointment
Course website:
1. Contributing to class experience and build community: 20%
- Attend class
- Keep up with readings and other requirements
- Share ideas, perspectives, and skills with classmates
2. Making new knowledge for the field by producing scholarship or creative work: 70%
- Option #1. Aimed at those who are interested in the scholarship of electronic literature as an area of further research: Produce a good working draft of a publishable essay that can be submitted to Hyperrhiz, Electronic Book Review, or Digital Humanities Quarterly for publication. Due April 22.
- Option #2: Aimed at those who are interested in the creative focus of electronic literature: Produce a good working draft of a digital narrative, work of poetry, or other literary form of electronic literature that can be submitted to Hyperrhiz, Electronic Book Review, or The New River for publication. Due April 22.
- Option #3: Aimed at those who are mainly E-Lit Curious: Produce two short papers (~2500 in length) that ties some aspect of the course readings into your area of research. Due February 26 and May 6.
3. Extending Learning Beyond Class: 10%
- Participate in at least two online and f2f events (e.g. Traversals, Readings & Performances), especially the Traversal of Judd Morrissey and Lori Talley’s “My Name is Captain, Captain,” held during class-time in Pullman
Required Books
- Ensslin, Astrid. Literary Gaming. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780262027151. $34.
- Rettberg, Scott. Electronic Literature. 1st Edition. NY, NY: Wiley. 2018. 1509516786, 9781509516780. $24.95
- Spinosa, Dani. Anarchists in the Academy: Machines and Free Readers in Experimental Poetry. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Press, 2018. 9781772123760. $24.95
Suggested Books
- Hayles, N. Katherine. Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary. Notre Dame, IN: U of Notre Dame Press, 2008. 9780268030858
Required Electronic Literature & Literary Games
- Barlow, Sam. Her Story. 2015. $5.99 (Steam).
- Breeze, Mez and Andy Campbell. All the Delicate Duplicates. 2017. $7.99.
- Playdead. Inside. 2018. $6.99 (at iTunes Store).
- Three Minute Games. Lifeline. 2015. $1.99 ( iTunes Store).
- Wreden, Davey. Stanley Parable. Galactic Café. 2013. $14.95 (Steam).
WSU requires that “[f]or each hour of lecture equivalent, students should expect to have a minimum of two hours of work outside class.”
We meet once a week, most of the time via Zoom. Additionally, I am flying in six times during the semester for our class and to work directly with you all. Finally, Monday classes in the spring occur during two national holidays. This means that attending class, when we have it, matters. Excused absences are of course excused. Unexcused absences are treated in this way: two or more will drop your grade one whole letter grade; three in a row will result in you being dropped from the roster.
WSU Reasonable Accommodation Statement
“Students with Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations are available for students with a documented disability. If you have a disability and need accommodations to fully participate in this class, please either visit or call the Access Center at [address on your campus] to schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor. All accommodations MUST be approved through the Access Center. For more information contact a Disability Specialist on your home campus.”
Pullman or WSU Online: 509-335-3417, Washington Building 217;, Additional information for graduate students about reasonable accommodations can be found at
The university’s academic integrity statement is clear: “Academic integrity is the cornerstone of higher education. As such, all members of the university community share responsibility for maintaining and promoting the principles of integrity in all activities, including academic integrity and honest scholarship. Academic integrity will be strongly enforced in this course. Students who violate WSU’s Academic Integrity Policy (identified in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 504-26-010(3) and -404) will receive [insert academic sanction (e.g., fail the course, fail the assignment, etc.)], will not have the option to withdraw from the course pending an appeal, and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.Cheating includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration as defined in the Standards of Conduct for Students, WAC 504-26-010(3). You need to read and understand all of the definitions of cheating: If you have any questions about what is and is not allowed in this course, you should ask course instructors before proceeding.If you wish to appeal a faculty member’s decision relating to academic integrity, please use the form available at”
Because we are using Zoom for most of our classes, we are prepared for campus closures due to weather or other issues that may emerge during the semester. If we are scheduled for a f2f meeting and there is bad weather causing you or me trouble with making it to campus, we will shift our meeting to Zoom. Know that I will contact all of you via email in advance to let you know. Here however is the university statement that I have to include in my course information:
“Classroom and campus safety are of paramount importance at Washington State University and are the shared responsibility of the entire campus population. WSU urges students to follow the “Alert, Assess, Act,” protocol for all types of emergencies and the “Run, Hide, Fight” response for an active shooter incident. Remain ALERT (through direct observation or emergency notification), ASSESS your specific situation, and ACT in the most appropriate way to assure your own safety (and the safety of others if you are able).
Please sign up for emergency alerts on your account at MyWSU. For more information on this subject, campus safety, and related topics, please view the FBI’s Run, Hide, Fight video and visit the WSU safety portal.”