E-Lit Works
Mary-Kim Arnold, “Lust” (on 3.5-inch Floppy Disk)
John Cayley, “riverisland”
Robert Kendall, “Faith”
David Knoebel, “Heart Pole,” from his collection “Click Poetry”
Maria Mencia, “Birds Singing Other Birds Songs”
Stephanie Strickland, “The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot”
—. True North. (on 3.5 floppy disk)
Stephanie Strickland & Nick Montfort, “Sea & Spar Between”
Thom Swiss, “Shy Boy”
Ana Maria Uribe, “Typoemas” & “Anipoemas”
Born Digital Fiction
Bill Bly, We Descend(on CD-ROM)
M. D. Coverley, Califia(on CD-ROM)
—. The Book of Going Forth by Day(on CD-ROM)
J. Yellowlees Douglas, “I Have Said Nothing” (on 3.5-inch Floppy Disk)
Caitlin Fisher, These Waves of Girls
Megan Heyward, Of Day, of Night(on CD-ROM)
Richard Holeton, Figurski at Findhorn on Acid (on CD-ROM)
Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl (on 3.5-inch Floppy Disk)
Deena Larsen, Disappearing Rain
—. Samplers(on CD-ROM)
Donna Leishman, “The Possession of Christian Shaw”
Judd Morrissey & Lori Talley, The Jew’s Daughter (loaded on computer)
Stuart Moulthrop’s Victory Garden (on 3.5-inch Floppy Disk)
Young Hae-Chang Heavy Industries, “Dakota”
—. “Samsung.”
Literary Games
Jim Andrews, “Arteroids”
Sam Barlow, Her Story(on Steam)
Serge Bouchardon, “Loss of Grasp”
Donna Leishman, “RedRidingHood”
Mez Breeze and Andy Campbell, All the Delicate Duplicates(On Steam)
Rand & Robyn Miller. Myst(on CD-ROM)
Thomas M. Disch, Amnesia(on 5.25 Floppy Disk)
Nick Montfort, “Ad Verbum” (Loaded on computer)
Jason Nelson, “Game Game, Game and Game Again”
Playdead. Inside(at iTunes Store)
Emily Short, “Savoir-Faire” (Loaded on computer)
Three Minute Games. Lifeline( iTunes Store)
Davey Wreden, Stanley Parable(on Steam)
Richard Holeton, “Frequently Asked Questions about Hypertext”
David Kolb, “Socrates in the Labyrinth” (on 3.5-inch Floppy Disk)
George Landow, The Dickens Web(on 3.5-inch Floppy Disk)
Talan Memmott, “Lexia to Perplexia” (Loaded on computer)