Web (and Hybrid) App Templates
Development Tools
- textwrangler (mac text editor)
- notepad ++ (pc text editor)
- web developer for chrome, and firefox
- firebug (for firefox only)
- The W3C Markup Validation Service
- W3 Schools (great resource for web development)
HTML5 and CSS3 Tutorials & Resources
- W3 Schools-HTML5
- W3 Schools-CSS3
- HTML5 Rocks – A great resource for open web HTML5 developers
- HTML5 Visual Cheat Sheet (Reloaded) – woorkup.com
- CSS3 Generator
iOS Dev Resources
Download the iPhone/iPad simulator for free. You must register as an iOS developer to do this. The fee is only if you intend to make a native app for the iTunes app store.
- iOS Developer Program (download simulator/Xcode here)
- Safari Dev Center
- Resources for Apple Developers
- Apple Web Apps
- Getting your Developer and Distribution licenses
- YourFirstAppStoreSubmission.pdf
Android Dev Resources
Phonegap Method (to make hybrid apps)
Mindmap/Prototyping/Sketching tools
- free-printable-sketching-wireframing-and-note-taking-pdf-templates
- Freemind (free mind mapping tool)
- Mind Node (OSX mind mapping tool, $20)
- Keynotopia (costs, but here is a zip file)
- Mockflow
- Mockup Builder
- iPhone Mockup
- Lorem ipsum
- Wireframes Magazine
Mobile UI
Mobile Web Design (articles)
- Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 1st Edition
- Books in the Age of the iPad — Craig Mod
- Nourishing Habits for Nourishing Design–Craig Mod
Mobile Development Books
- Head First HTML5 Programming: Building Web Apps with JavaScript
- Head First Mobile Web (Brain-Friendly Guides)
- jQuery Mobile: Up and Running
- Build Mobile Websites and Apps for Smart Devices
- Tapworthy: Designing Great iPhone Apps
- Mobile Web Design
- Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
- Designing the Obvious: A Common Sense Approach to Web & Mobile Application Design
HTML5 Canvas/Games
HTML5 Video & Audio
Video Capture
- iShowU
- http://clipnabber.com/
- http://www.jdownloader.org/
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/easy-youtube-video-downl-10137/
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/
- http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
Video Compression
Offline Caching (for web apps)
- How to create offline webapps on the iPhone | The CSS Ninja – All things CSS, JavaScript & HTML
- Safari Client-Side Storage and Offline Applications Programming Guide: HTML 5 Offline Application Cache
- HTML5 Rocks – A Beginner’s Guide to Using the Application Cache
- Building a iPhone and iPad Web App using HTML 5 and Javascript | JakeBoyles.com
- Add-to-Home-Screen pop-up message to download website to iphone home screen
Flickr API
Google Maps API
- Google Maps API — Google Developers
- Code Samples
- Google Maps API V3 Basics
- Mobile Mapping on Android and iPhone Using the Google Maps JavaScript API
- Overview of Mobile API Options
Other API Resources
App Stores
- Steps to submit to Apple App store
- Getting your Developer and Distribution licenses (pdf)
- iOS Dev Center
- Google Play (Android developer console)
- Frank’s Presentation on Optimizing Apps (July 18th)
- ASQR_Assigning_Keywords (For Frank Mungeam’s session on July 18th)
Slides from DHSI 2012 (as PPT; Keynote slides are embedded in syllabus. Caveat: Carefully crafted Keynote slides do not necessarily translate as decent PPT slides.)
Day 1: Overview, eBooks, HTMl5, Case Studies
Day 2: Information Architecture, Usability
Day 3: App Design & Aesthetics, Layout
Day 4: Development-html-css-jquery-luers
Day 5