
Web (and Hybrid) App Templates

Development Tools

HTML5 and CSS3 Tutorials & Resources




iOS Dev Resources

Download the iPhone/iPad simulator for free. You must register as an iOS developer to do this. The fee is only if you intend to make a native app for the iTunes app store.

Android Dev Resources

Phonegap Method (to make hybrid apps)

Mindmap/Prototyping/Sketching tools

Mobile UI

Mobile Web Design (articles)

Mobile Development Books

HTML5 Canvas/Games

HTML5 Video & Audio

Video Capture

Video Compression

Offline Caching (for web apps)

Flickr API

Google Maps API

App Stores

Slides from DHSI 2012 (as PPT; Keynote slides are embedded in syllabus.  Caveat:  Carefully crafted Keynote slides do not necessarily translate as decent PPT slides.)

Day 1:  Overview, eBooks, HTMl5, Case Studies
Day 2: Information Architecture, Usability
Day 3:  App Design & Aesthetics, Layout
Day 4: Development-html-css-jquery-luers
Day 5