
Hello! I’m Ana. I’m 19 years old, and this is my second year at WSU-V. I am majoring in Humanities with a primary concentration in DTC and a secondary concentration in Fine Arts. I am also minoring in Creative Writing. I am a huge fan of Asian cuisine and animals! I currently have two cats, an elderly dog, and a bearded dragon. I look forward to learning and working collaboratively with all of you this semester!

I am interested in the areas regarding designing and organizing the elements of a publication. Working with structure and typography is something that I love to do! I took the DTC 201 class last semester (Multimedia Design, something like that) in which we were tasked to create different media objects, and a big part of that that I took pride in and was thoroughly entertained doing was making it look nice! I like to think I have an eye for detail. Another class that I was in was 355 last semester, also with Will. Learning how to manually (which sometimes ended up being meticulous) place objects and elements within a page was a challenging but rewarding task for me. I feel like these two classes will help me, at least building up to the projects we have in store for this course. 

With all of that out of the way, I want to mention that I am also looking forward to exploring other areas of publishing more, and just learn about the industry in general. It’s an element of creation and content that I have been aware of but never really understood the inner workings of all that well. I have a lot of respect for the industry! If I am still invested in what I take away from this class I might even consider partaking in a career within it, who knows. 🙂

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