When our team began exploring what our project would look like, one thing that we focused on was the use of design concerning the words and art that we used. Our subject is overcoming the fear of coding. This is a common experience among DTC majors, as many will use a programming language at some point, whether that be HTML or JavaScript. We hope to tell a story of a person overcoming this fear using our own lives as inspiration. We discussed the possibility of using ASCII art in our projects to tell out hero’s story. This idea is perfectly expressed by Ulises Carrión in the text The New Art of Making Books.
In the new art (of which concrete poetry is only an example) communication is still inter-subjective, but it occurs in a concrete, real, physical space – the page.
This quote explores the physicality of art on a page and the space it takes up. The ASCII art that we discussed would have fixed and concrete locations on the webpage. Aside from the art, the text of our story would also have to have specified space on the page, as it would have to be distinguishable from the ASCII art. As of right now, I think that having a side scrolling website would be beneficial, as we would be able to have this text and visuals flowing through the story. Because we plan on using ASCII art to illustrate, each new part of the story will have different characters meticulously placed in specific parts of the page.