Final Project: Make (November 29)


blog prompt: Give a brief update about where you are in your responsibilities to the collaborative final project. What do you still need to do this week.


History of Mediums

Learning Differences

Fear of Coding

DTC How To

Proof-reading and testing

Visual hierarchy – like with like, create strong unities and separate from other unities

Reflection on collaboration…

Final Projects:

  1. Use the method of transferring Word>Markdown>HTML to ensure clean HTML
  2. Here is the project template < ZIP>  with collapsable menu – use this to build your unique design (change the menu by changing the CSS)
  3. Proof-read and test your projects!
  4. Work at details in visual hierarchy
  5. There must be an about page with a project statement and with publishing team names.
  6. Make sure all file names are descriptive, are lowercase and without spaces.
  7. The project leader should post the final project for everyone. Please include the group names in the blog post. However, make sure everyone in your group has the final project folder for their own portfolio going forward.



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