Week 1 : Course Introduction (August 24th)


Overview of course
Flash drive – saving projects

Lecture: Designing Interfaces

Video Lecture



HTML – hypertext mark-up language
CSS – cascading style sheets

Text Editors:

FTP Client (file transfer protocol): Cyberduck Mac / Cyberduck PC / Filezilla (PC and Mac)

Codeacademy: Learn HTML, Learn CSS, Learn Responsive Design
Optional textbook: HTML and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide (8th Edition)

Other Resources:

Designing for the Web

  1. Responsive Design (mobile)
  2. Composition (grid, layout)
  3. Typography (fonts)
  4. Color Theory (harmony, integrity, schemes)
  5. Communication (hierarchy, rhythm, narrative)
  6. Accessibility (legibility)
  7. Originality (novelty and familiarity)

Blackbird Projects

Web Basics

internet: network of networks
protocols: rules and structure for passing data, agree on data formats
ip address: internet protocol address (unique for each device)
dns: domain name system
domain name: purchase name to link to ip address
isp: internet service provider
server: hosts websites
client: browser access to websites
world wide web: linked documents on the internet
websites/webpages: linked html/css pages and media files( images, audio, video, pdf, docs, etc)
http: hypertext transfer protocol
https: hypertext transfer protocol secure
ftp: file transfer protocol
url: uniform resource locator – the web address
directory/folder: structured list of document files/ desktop metaphor for container of documents (interchangeable)
files: desktop metaphor for a “web page”, media object, an object that stores data, information, commands, etc.
absolute url: http://dtc-wsuv.org/wp/dtc355/index.html
relative url:  index.html, img/image.jpg


File and Directories: how to organized site files…

Email me ( wluers@wsu.edu)

  1. subject heading : DTC 355
  2. an image or description of you
  3. your major
  4. whether you are a pc or apple user
  5. your background (if any) in web design and development (HTML, CSS, Adobe software)