ELL Undergraduate Researchers Reconstitute Deena Larsen’s Kanji-Kus

“All of my kanji-kus are dead, and you can see their husks if you follow these links.”–Deena Larsen So writes Deena Larsen on her website in 2014. But this is not true anymore: Undergraduate Researchers in my lab––Kathleen Zoller, Moneca Roath, Mariah Gwin, and Andrew Nevue––led by project manager Holly Slocum, have reconstituted this intellectually […]
Mellon Report Submitted

From June 1-December 30, 2018 members of the ELL Team received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to build the ELO Repository for the Electronic Literature Organization, which has been hosted by the CMDC Program at WSUV for the past two years. Though the official deadline has long past, the popularity of the work […]
Finding Stephanie Strickland’s True North

N. Katherine Hayles said that “Strickland’s poems meditate on the mystery of numbers and the embedded links that connect embodied experience with universal abstraction. Not to be missed. Paul Harris exclaimed that True North is “[a] quintessentially American piece. The poetry is arresting, to eye and mind. Here is a perception of the world filtered […]
Special Live Stream Traversal of Mark Bernstein’s Those Trojan Girls

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 6:30 p.m. CET (= GMT/UTC +01:00 hour) Hof University, Germany • Institute of Information Systems (iisys) • room G111 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skp3LvJ7YtU Mark Bernstein’s hypertext narrative, Those Trojan Girls, draws its inspiration from Euripides’ tragic play, The Trojan Women, and the Victorian school novel to tell the story of loss. As its description suggests: […]
List of Women E-Lit Artists & Scholars Featured on International Women’s Day
The Electronic Literature Lab celebrated International Women’s Day held on Friday, March 8, 2019 by calling out, on our Twitter site, the achievements of 10 women e-lit artists & scholars whose works are held in ELO’s Archives and/or The Dene Grigar Collection. We have collected the posts here in order to highlight, once again, the […]
Curiosities of the Curious Mind of Artist Alan Sondheim
This spring international artist Alan Sondheim donated his vast archives of his experimental videos, electronic literature, VR animations, sound work, and music to Electronic Literature Organization. Among the hundreds of digital files were physical artifacts of vintage radio and signaling components and rare books and manuals. “Curiosities of the Curious Mind of Artist Alan Sondheim” features some […]
Voyager’s & The Institute for the Future of the Book Founder, Bob Stein, Visiting ELL
From March 13-March 13, 2019 the founder of The Voyager Company and The Institute for the Future of the Book, Bob Stein, will visit ELL. We will interview him, via our Live Stream YouTube channel, on Thursday, March 14. The Voyager Company, considered the premier publishing house for multimedia book environments, produced close to 75 […]
Celebrating Endangered Data Week with Tim McLaughlin’s Notes Toward Absolute Zero

Having spent the last month immersed in the mechanical pigs, Spam, utopian communes, the Star Trek Holodeck and––yes––acid from Richard Holeton’s Figurski at Findhorn on Acid, I’m now turning my attention to the special Traversal taking place in celebration of Endangered Data Week: A Traversal of Tim McLaughlin’s Notes Toward Absolute Zero, published by Eastgate Systems, Inc. […]
Live Stream Traversal of Richard Holeton’s Figurski at Findhorn on Acid

Friday, 2/22/19 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. PDT Live on YouTube and F2F in Electronic Literature Lab, WSUV Campus, VMMC 211A YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzeZQ05p_1Tli0lDBeWMxOA/live Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=elitpathfinders Twitter: #elitlab, #elitpathfinders Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/electronicliteraturelab/ Experience early born digital literature performed live via YouTube. Drawn from Stuart Moulthrop and Dene Grigar’s concept of the “Traversal,” these performances take place on the original […]
Inventorying Riding the Meridian

I have spent the last week inventorying Riding the Meridian, an important journal founded by Jennifer Ley that published five issues, from 1999-2003, comprising 262 works produced by some of the world’s most notable artists and writers. In the coming weeks the ELL Team will move the information I created into an Excel spreadsheet into […]