Undergraduate Projects

Graphic Designs

In DTC Composition and Design
Understanding Basic Concepts

Wordless Comic in DTC 375 Language Text and Technology
Wordless Comic

Scrap Book in DTC 375 using digital graphics and digitized real world objects.

Photomontages in FA 332
Follow You
Follow You

Website Designs

Composition and Design: Marrow Me Project
Biography Website
Basic Biographical Website
Using XHTML and CSS, I built a multiple-page biographical website in DTC 355 Multimedia Authoring.
Biography Website

Narrative Website: Words of Encouragement

Using XHTML and CSS, I built a multiple-page website in DTC 355 that, through the use of multimedia, presents a story world. Biography Website

PHP & MySQL: Music List
Biography Website

Composition and Design: Home Page design
Harvest Website Home Page


Rose Sketch

Creating art in the physical world has its limitations, but it has a purpose in fundamental design. I have learned about color, lines, shapes, placement, and much more. Pieces have been created in Fine Arts courses at WSUV and at home. I will use several different media such as watercolor paint, charcoal, wood, and found objects.

Cathedral in Haiti
Before and after 2010 Earthquake
Cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Colorful Flower
Watercolor and Stencil

Self Portrait on Wood
Woodburn: Self-Portrait on Wood
Africa and Kenya in Bottle Caps
Found object art piece. Kenya flag where Kenya is. And bottle caps colors to match. Added a yellow cross. A little heart confetti piece marks where Nairobi is

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