Team photo of every member lined up against a brick wall

Team Bully Busters

We are Team Cyber Bully Busters, a team of college students who are passionate about creating an environment where people can thrive without the fear of being harrassed for their passions. Our mission is to raise awareness on the effects of cyber bullying and how parents and children alike can help one another confront these issues and grow past these issues together.

This project was important to us because we have all lived in an era where cyber bullying was the number one form of harrassment our friends and peers have had to deal with while in school. From the popularization of social media to having access to laptops in school, we have grown up around technology and seen first hand how it can help and how it can hurt. We wanted this site to offer everyone involved in the online world the resources they need in order help combat cyber bullying.


Matthew Nguyen

Project Manager, Writer, Editor, & Filmer

I am a senior here at WSUV graduating with a degree in DTC! I enjoy working out, traveling, and binge watching crime shows. Upon graduation, I would like to eventually start my own real estate company and use my social media skills to break into a lucrative market.


Bonnie McCrady

Webtoon Illustrator & Writer

I'm a senior at WSU Vancouver with a passion for art and illustration (check me out @iotadart on Instagram)! I love coffee, video games, and EDM & rock. I hope to someday turn my art business into a physical shop!


Emma Hochhalter

Sr. Writer & Editor

Born and bred in Washington State, I am a senior at WSU, expecting to graduate with an English Degree with a minor in film. But outside of school, I’m an aspiring novelist, who’s dream is to have some of her books published. A little unpractical, but we’ve all got to dream. Other than writing, I love hanging out with my dog, traveling, reading books, and watching movies.


Mason Hill

Filmer, Editor, & Interviewer

I am a third-year college student studying business entrepreneurship. I graduated from Union High School in 2020. I plan on graduating in the spring of 2024 and hope one day to own my own successful business.


Kendall Brandon

Writer, Interviewer, & Filmer

I am a senior at WSU Vancouver studying Digital Technology and Culture. I will be graduating in the fall of 2023 and hope to pursue a job in social media marketing.


Delano Kingston

Web Designer & Writer

I am a Senior at WSU and am set to graduate in the Fall of 2023. I am pationate over almost anything traditionally nerdy and hope to use my multimedia skills to help create fun and exciting works of media for people growing up like I did.