This is a real life story about a girl who was cyber bullied into suicide. We are creating this video to bring awareness to her story, while keeping her name anonymous.

These are some of the effects of cyber bullying, and ways that you can prevent it.

The cyberbullying effects and awareness video is a powerful resource that highlights the negative impact of cyberbullying on individuals, families, and communities. One of the videos features real-life stories of a victim of cyberbullying, who share their personal experiences of online harassment and its lasting effects. This emotional story is complemented with informative statistics and expert insights, providing a comprehensive overview of the issue in the second video.

The videos are designed to create awareness and educate viewers on the severity of cyberbullying, emphasizing the emotional and psychological trauma it can cause. It also provides practical tips and strategies for victims, parents, and educators to address and prevent cyberbullying. The videos showcase the importance of taking action against cyberbullying, and how small steps can make a big difference in creating a safer and more supportive online environment