Hero image of Jakeob Maygra half photograph, half digital portrait

Jakeob Maygra is currently a senior at Washington State University Vacouver earning his bachelor's degree in Digital Technology and culture. This is his portfolio website which displays many of the design and development projects he has worked on over the years. In his free time, Jake enjoys making art, music, and film.

My Latest Work

Cold Connection Twine story title screen

Cold Connection - Twine Story

Twine mobile game where the player discovers a computer that is somehow able to connect to a computer in the 1980's. Can you help the detective solve a series of murders and change the past?

Raise Up website screenshot

Raise Up: Tell Your Story - Website

Website for Raise Up a non-profit organization that focuses on bringing stories and spreading awareness of single parenthood in our community.

Rotoscope animation screen shot

Static Break - Rotoscope Animation

Break dancer rotoscoped over television static.