The Demon Princess

Sorcery Information

In this world where magic exists, acquiring the ability to learn magic is no easy task.

First, a magician must understand the four elements, earth, water, fire, and air. They symbolize four crucially important activities and states of consciousness. Sorcery involves "tuning" the mind so that it can start to receive the higher frequencies. The four elements provide the fundamental tuning mechanism.



Earth represents the things that you make real in the phenomenal world. It is the reality behind your claim to be a practitioner of the magical arts and distinguishes the real magician from the armchair scholar of magic. As a magician, you master Earth by actually doing & creating. Simply knowing how to perform a ritual or make magical tools and talismans is one thing, but actually performing the ritual or making magical objects is another. The magician works with Earth whenever he or she puts theory into practice.

With this knowledge, you are able to cultivate formations in your mind to erupt in reality. Summoning earthly structures at your foe!



Water symbolizes an inner state of receptivity in which higher powers can communicate to you and channel their energies through you. This is a very difficult element for students to master primarily because our language contains no terms that unambiguously denote the inner state of consciousness symbolized by water.

Using the water element employs terms like imagining, day-dreaming, and reverie, which approximate what the magician aspires to do when working with Water. Only when you have mastered that, is when your spirit will flow with the waters.



Fire requires the ability to think in unusual ways and will carry you into a world far beyond the looking glass of everyday reality.

A fire magician succeeds at attaining a state of inner imaginative receptivity and has allowed the preselected imagery employed in a ritual to stimulate spontaneous associations. When this happens, it is said that the imagination has caught fire.

Unless you have actually experienced this exhilarating phenomenon for yourself, it will be difficult to understand how powerful and potentially overwhelming it is. However, your burning spirit will outweigh the oppressive nature that fights in repercussion.



Air is an intellectual element and symbolizes your knowledge of magic.

Air is the knowledge that motivates, informs and infuses this activity with direction. Acquiring proficiency at this level demands a willingness to study, learn, and memorize a fairly large amount of material. Air rules all forms of communication because, in an airless void, no speech can be heard.

The cultivation of good judgment and intellectual discrimination is absolutely necessary for the mastery of air. This will make the air magician have the ability to blow the minds of others. Literally.


Dark Arts

The dark arts is reverse of what the divine elementals strive for.

The magician uses nature solely for his or her own purposes that can lead to devastating consequences. The dark arts drains out the life force of an elemental entity to possess an unearthly spell capable of breaking the chains of balance.

To be able to perform such destruction, one must yearn for vengeance or action due to their inner hatred. They purely feed on the negative emotions inside to chant words that demonic spirits would use to free themselves and make way for a new beginning.

Created by, Matthew Francisco | April 2020 |