Farilesp Neipelam
April 2011 | Washington State University Vancouver
Remix created with Adobe After Effects

This project was an experiment in remixing multiple sound and video files using only YouTube. The title itself is a remix from all of the appropriated videos.

Kate Crackernuts
May 2010 | Washington State University Vancouver
Animation created with Adobe Flash and After Effects

Based off the fairy tale by the same name it was adapted from an oral tradition to a visual with the use of animation to tell the changes over time. This work was created in collaboration with Hunter Crawford.

Blood On (Justice Remix) Music Video
April 2010 | Washington State University Vancouver

Music video made using Adobe After Effects to the song "Blood On" by Death from Above 1979 inspiration to create an animated music video to sync with the music. This work was created in collaboration with Hunter Crawford.

The Awakened Title Sequence
March 2010 | Washington State University Vancouver
Animation created with Adobe Flash and After Effects

A project produced to simulate a title sequence for a fictional movie. This work was created in collaboration with Hunter Crawford.

February 2010 | Washington State University Vancouver

Created in Adobe Flash it is a short animation of a necromancer casting a spell to summon skeletons to rise from the ground. It was made as an example to have a character interact with another using the program.

December 2009 | Washington State University Vancouver
Animation using Adobe After Effects

Inspired by storytelling, it is the re-purposing of images to tell a recount of a young girl. This work was created in collaboration with Hunter Crawford.