3d render of Emily sitting behind a Macintosh Classic computer displaying the classic Victory Garden
Victory Garden map displayed on a Macintosh Classic computer

Expanding the Original Creative Vision

3d render of Emily sitting behind a Macintosh Classic computer displaying the classic Victory Garden
Victory Garden map displayed on a Macintosh Classic computer

With its 993 lexias and 2804 links connecting them Victory Garden remains one of the most complex hypertext novels published by Eastgate Systems, Inc. It also offered a menu of preordered paths and a map of the "Victory Garden" that functioned differently from the cognitive maps representing the hypertextual structure of other hypertext novels of the period.

To retain the structural integrity of the narrative, the Victory Garden 2022 streamlines the navigation that originally involved five functions found on the Storyspace toolbar to movement along paths and streams via a pervasive menu located on the interface. Responsive design makes it easily accessible on all computing devices.

New UI and Functions

A screenshot of Victory Garden 2022 showing the page Thea's War
View of Victory Garden 2022’s new interface

Victory Garden 2022 includes an original graphical interface created by Andrew Thompson and Holly Slocum, coordinated with JavaScript code by the author. Using a design that echoes the visual schemes of hypertext programs, the interface presents options for readers who want to make their way through the text without clicking on linked words. These include controls for forward and backward movement through default sequences called PATHS and STREAMS. Paths, which occurred in somewhat different form in the original, offer curated tours through the work. Streams, added in this version, connect coherent vignettes and episodes that make up the bones of the story. The interface contains links to pages listing all available Paths and Streams. The main pages of the work include a heading that indicates the Path and Stream to which the current page belongs, and whether the reader reached the page via one or the other.

A screenshot of Victory Garden 2022 showing the page Thea's War
View of Victory Garden 2022’s new interface

Fun Facts / Statistics


Includes 52 curated Paths through the work, including one consisting entirely of endings and another that runs through the story backward.


Adds 43 Streams that allow undistracted reading of the work’s basic episodes, vignettes, and routines.


Expands to a third larger in both passages and hyptertext links: The original Victory Garden had 995 passages of writing (lexias, spaces) and 2803 hypertext links.


Is now almost as old as its author was when the classic version was written.

Victory Garden 2022 at The Stuart Moulthrop Collection at The NEXT

logo for Electronic Literature Organization's The NEXT
The NEXT’s logo

Victory Garden 2022 joins the other works by Stuart Moulthrop held at The NEXT in The Stuart Moulthrop Collection. The NEXT is a virtual museum, library, and preservation space that showcases born-digital literature, art, and games collected by the Electronic Literature Organization and managed by the Electronic Literature Lab at Washington State University Vancouver.

logo for Electronic Literature Organization's The NEXT
The NEXT’s logo